The Portuguese Empire PDF Free Download

The Portuguese Empire PDF

Features of The Portuguese Empire PDF

The Portuguese Empire PDF-Have you ever wondered what country had the first truly global empire? Then keep reading…

Folks used to say that the “sun never sets on the British Empire” as a means of declaring Britain’s greatness. But it was the Portuguese who forged the first truly global empire. The major dominions of the Portuguese wrapped around the globe in a straight line, from Brazil to Angola, from Mozambique to India, and all the way to Macau. With its dominion under multiple time zones, the sun, in fact, never did set on the Portuguese Empire.

Here in this book, we follow the evolution of Portugal from a small, relatively obscure country in Europe to a global empire of great wealth and power. You will learn of Portugal’s early days of conquest and its struggle against the Islamic forces of North Africa. This book then documents the steady navigation of Portuguese mariners around the African continent.

The feats of Portuguese explorers, such as Bartolomeu Dias and Vasco da Gama, are covered in great depth. Also addressed is Portugal’s governance of its empire. The Portuguese attempted to solidify their gains through colonial governors, such as Francisco de Almeida and Afonso de Albuquerque. The lives and struggles of these men will be followed in great detail. Keep reading if you would like to learn more!

Here in this book, you will learn:
The centuries-long Reconquista waged between the Christians and Muslims
The various wars of conquest
How the Portuguese navigated around Africa
Portuguese relations with India
The establishment of colonies all over the world
And much more!

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Description of The Portuguese Empire PDF

A teacher or a professor can only wish to be able to get their hands on this The Portuguese Empire PDF masterpiece. It is renowned worldwide and a bestseller on online store for the subject of teaching and learning. Everyone should be reading this book if the want to enhance their teaching and learning skills all the same and be able to make a significant impact on the future of the world. This book has all the indispensable ingredients required to make you the top notch cream of teachers and learners the world has to offer for students anywhere regarding the subject. Download now.

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The Portuguese Empire PDF

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Dimensions and Characteristics of The Portuguese Empire PDF

  • Identification Number ‏ : ‎ B09TPS5293
  • Publication date ‏ : ‎ February 28, 2022
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • File size ‏ : ‎ 7340 KB
  • Simultaneous device usage ‏ : ‎ Unlimited
  • Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
  • Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
  • Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • Print length ‏ : ‎ 106 pages
  • Page numbers source International Standard Book Number ‏ : ‎ 1637165900
  • Lending ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • Book Name : The Portuguese Empire PDF

Top reviews

anna c “Thanks to the tenacity of the Portuguese empire, alternate routes were established to trade goods, especially spices, without having to go through a “middleman”, thereby destabilizing the Arab monopolies and in doing so also opened up new lands for exploration. It will discuss the unstable relationships with countries such as India (which at that time included Ceylon and Sri Lanka). The ruthlessness of explorers such as Vasco de Gama and the establishment of the first Christian missions are also described in this book.
Like all other empires, the Portuguese empire was not perfect. It had its share of imperfect and corrupt monarchs/rulers, the age of the Reconquista, the great Lisbon earthquake of 1755, and the Pombal period.
I would recommend reading the “The History of Portugal” which also available in this series. It would be a great complement to this book.”

Hawk “This is an excellent book about Portugal, this book is so well researched that you can even learn some of Portugal’s state secrets that were so secret that they were threated not to reveal them upon pain of death (no one was harmed during the writing of this book). Portugal started as a small country who was relatively unknown. As Portugal grew, its reputation began to grow as country of exploration, until eventually Portugal became one of the greatest empires. Many famous explorers sailed under the Portugues flag, discovering Brazil and new ways to get to the spice islands. As you read this book you realize that history comes alive and each chapter becomes a new adventure.”

F. R. Isom “The Portuguese Empire is an adventure from beginning to end. Each chapter tells an episode of the great adventure of the conquest of a spice empire built on the blood of the Portuguese explorers and conquerors. What was the goals of the king and the exploration from the beginning? There is conflict between the explorers and the established Muslim traders. There are battles between the Portuguese and the Indian rajahs. There are attacks and retaliations. You will learn of Portuguese state secrets never revealed to other countries upon the pain of death. How was Brazil discovered by accident and why was it named Brazil? The Portuguese had major conflicts with the Dutch over territories. You will learn who was victorious and why. You will learn of the effects of the Portuguese Empire on the local people. This book is well researched and is written in lively narrative. It opens up the age of exploration in a manner I have not seen in a book of this kind before. History comes alive and opens a window for your full view. This book kept my interest from beginning to end and was highly informative as well as entertaining. This is the way history should be presented to the young. As a former history teacher I highly recommend this book. Those who read it will be greatly enriched for their time and will begin to understand the importance of the age of exploration.”
Dale “The book begins with an overview of the history of the nation of Portugal. But the book is not about Portugal, it is about the empire that Portugal created, which spanned half of the globe. Tiny Portugal was blessed with an incredible Atlantic coastline, and thusly became a great seafaring nation. Due to the Ottomans controlling the traditional overland spice routes to the east, several daring and intrepid explorers took a leap into the unknown, and eventually carved a sea route around the tip of Africa, and subsequently on to India. Along the way they established many colonies. One of the voyages was blown off course and found itself in South Amerca, and established colonies there. This was the beginning of one of the world’s great empires, which continued to rise, until it spanned half the globe. Then there was the precipitous fall, with the last vestiges of the Portuguese Empire finally being erased in 1999. The book contains the entire history, including the incredibly brave accounts of the voyades of discovery. An excellent read.”
Bevan “As the title suggests – this book is more about Portugal’s external ‘Empire’ than a history of Portugal itself – for instance: how did Portugal become separate from Spain, how was the border decided…?
The book highlights the irrationality of Catholicism vs. Protestantism (same basic beliefs!) and the unmitigated assumption of European ‘powers’ at the time to just move into another country and take it over. Although: Portugal was highly successful in these actions for such a small country.
There is just one mention of the Portuguese in Timor Leste, but nothing about the plight of the local people and the take-over by the Indonesians.
There is a tendency for blatant circumlocution and to repeat the same information – tighter proofreading would have improved the readers’ experience.
However – there is an abundance of interesting information.”
Reference: Wikipedia

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