Sonic the Hedgehog Encyclo-speed-ia PDF Download Free

Sonic the Hedgehog Encyclo-speed-ia PDF

Attributes of Sonic the Hedgehog Encyclo-speed-ia PDF

Celebrate Sonic the Hedgehog’s 30th anniversary with a full-color hardcover historical retrospective that explores nearly every one of the blue speedster’s video game appearances! Sonic the Hedgehog Encyclo-speed-ia PDF

Dive deep into the extensive lore and exhaustive detail of each game in Sonic’s ever-expanding universe–from the beloved SEGA Genesis to the most bleeding-edge video game consoles. This tome leaves no stone unturned, showcasing in-depth looks at the characters, settings, and stories from each exciting installment!

Dark Horse Books and SEGA present the Sonic the Hedgehog Encyclo-Speed-ia–a must-have volume for any fan of Sonic, young or old!

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Illustrations of Sonic the Hedgehog Encyclo-speed-ia PDF

As difficult as innovation is today. Sonic the Hedgehog Encyclo-speed-ia pdf is a text that is present in the form of inspiration that will broaden the minds beyond what an artist or photographer can see. This is one of the masterpieces that is recommended by all the great artists to be changing their visualization of the world of today. In the minds of someone that truly appreciates what this text has to offer lies the secret of changing the way everyone lives in this world. Art is the most influential subject of today’s world and at all times has it been the foundation stone for change in this universe we live in. A must read and learn for all artist and especially photographers

The Writers

Ian Flynn, also known by his Internet brand, the BumbleKing, is an American comic writer. He is currently the head writer for the IDW Publishing Sonic the Hedgehog comic series.

Flynn was previously the chief writer for the Archie Comics’ Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its various spin-offs. His tenure began in 2006 with Sonic the Hedgehog #160, and lasted until the comics’ cancellation in 2017. He has also written a couple of episodes for the second season of Sonic Boom, and a number of stories for the Sonic the Hedgehog video game series and its spin-offs.

Proportions of Sonic the Hedgehog Encyclo-speed-ia PDF

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Dark Horse Books (December 14, 2021)
    Language ‏ : ‎ English
    Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 288 pages
    International Standard Book Number-10 ‏ : ‎ 1506719279
    International Standard Book Number-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1506719276
    Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.25 pounds
    Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 9.25 x 1.13 x 12.25 inches
    Best Sellers Rank: #27,414 in Books

Reviews From Customers

Not gonna lie, it’s pretty lame.
December 26, 2021

This is more or less a history lesson on the Sonic franchise.
It’s a very thick book, but most of the information contained inside the book is just not very interesting. I was hoping for it to be more of an actual encyclopedia on Sonic’s rich world and characters and history both in and out of fiction, and in other media from the games, with lots of illustrations.

But alas, this is a very thick book that is mostly maps and screenshots from the video games, and only the video games. Other media is touched on very briefly, and it’s very selective about which games it gives extensive coverage of. There’s not much artwork to speak of and some of it is oddly flat. A lot of characters get barely skimmed over. Some characters don’t even get any art. Eggman Nega appears to be represented as a screenshot from Sonic Rivals.

If you had questions about the Sonic series, this book isn’t really going to answer any of them unless you’re really inept at using search engines and wikis.

Only buy this book if you’re a die hard Sonic collector and can’t pass on another shelf item that you’ll barely examine for more than a few minutes every few years. But if you’re sensible, either wait for a huge price drop ( I got it 10 bucks off of it’s MSRP ) take a hard pass. Everything in this book is already pretty well documented and this book adds nothing new, it just manifests it into physical form in a not very exciting way.
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Josue Gonzalez
Not what you’re expecting but still good…
December 15, 2021

When I had pre-ordered this book, I had thought this was going to be a complete lore dump on the Sonic Series… This is sadly not the case. Even as a factoid book it’s kind of lacking, an example I can bring up for this is the Sonic Unleashed section. Knuckles and Shadow were once considered to be included in the story of the game but were cut due to them not fitting in well. This factoid was never mentioned and it isn’t the only one. Stuff like that is very hit or miss unfortanetly. There’s a lot of information that is glossed over in order to keep things short and speedy.

When you put that aside, this is an excellent tips and tricks book! Not worth 50 or even 80 dollars but very in depth about stages, character backgrounds, and what cool stuff you can do in each games.

E – scorts
Excellent 30 year overview of an icon
December 16, 2021

To sum it up, the Sonic Encyclo-speed-ia is your basic informational book on the history, facts, trivia, & lore of the Sonic The Hedgehog mythos. The book doesn’t dwell too deep into the lore of the franchise but there is enough information to satisfy any fan of the blue hedgehog. Presentation wise it gets an A. Not very common but my only gripe with the book is the amount of blurry/pixelated scans of some pieces of artwork. Some might find them to be rather shoddy but those are few and far between. Overall it is a must have for any Sonic fan

30 years of the Blue Blur!
December 16, 2021

Sonic the Hedgehog is one of my favorite video game icons of all time. When I learned that he was getting his encyclopedia detailing all of the games he’s been in as well as every single character from the franchise, I knew I had to buy it. This book looks gorgeous and I know every Sonic fan should pick it up while supplies last.

Interesting Read for Sonic fans
December 16, 2021

I’m grew up with sonic ever since I was a child. Reading this encyclopedia definitely brings back old memories for me playing Sonic games on the old Sega Genesis. The book provides detailed information for almost every sonic game that existed, even the obscure games. I highly recommend that newcomers and sonic fans should pick this one up.

The deets
January 29, 2022

For an actual history of the franchise and its development I would point you to the PixN’Love’s History of Sonic the Hedgehog but for a comprehensive visual list of every sonic game, its characters, enemies and bosses, this book has you covered. Pretty dry reading unless your a fan of the series, but it truly is an encyclopedia of the games.

J. Bedard
Comprehensive book of the Sonic World
January 4, 2022

My seven year old has spent every day since Christmas reading this book. Very comprehensive for the true Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Might be a bit wordy for the average kid, unobsessed by Sonic.

J. StumpfelTop Contributor: Baking
December 27, 2021

I didn’t realize how big this book was. I purchased it as a gift and the recipient has been enjoying it. An actual, useful, real encyclopedia of all things Sonic. A must for fans of the blue hedgehog.

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Jerome McCalla
If you’re a Sonic fan, this book will tell you everything you already know.
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on May 2, 2022

Unfortunately this book covers the bare minimum in terms of sonic facts. This book is a not a sonic bible as previously advertised, its more like a lite wiki. It doesnt go deep into the lore of sonic or his world. majority of the facts covered have already been documented on the internet via youtube videos and online wikis. you wont find anything here to surprise you.

Mr funko boy
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on January 2, 2022

It’s very good

Katie Firth
Sonic The Hedgehog Encyclo-speed-ia!
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on January 21, 2022

Love this book. Fantastic to learn about the history of the Sonic The Hedgehog
Franchise and learn what I didn’t know beforehand. Definitely recommend this to every Sonic fan! 10/10

Sehr cool, aber irgendwie fehlt was…
Reviewed in Germany on December 22, 2021

Und damit meine ich nicht Sonic Free Riders. Das Spiel fehlt nämlich auch, obwohl das Buch damit wirbt, ALLE Spiele der letzten 30 Jahre zu beinhalten. Was ich wirklich vermisse, ist jedoch etwas anderes.

Auf den 287 Seiten sind zwar jede Menge Infos vorhanden, aber nichts davon ist neu (wenn man die Spiele kennt) oder gar spannend beschrieben. Die Bilder, die Texte, alles wirkt eher so, als würde man einfach das Handbuch zum jeweiligen Spiel oder einen Guide im Internet lesen. Hinzu kommen winzige Screenshots, teilweise 20 Stück auf eine Seite gequetscht, mit minimalen Infos, die manchmal sogar einfach nur kopiert und fälschlicherweise ein paar Zeilen weiter unten wieder eingefügt wurden.

Viele Seiten bestehen lediglich aus Tabellen, wenn Gegner oder Gegenstände, manchmal aber auch Charaktere oder Stages und ihre Missionsziele beschrieben werden. Das wirkt etwas billig und macht optisch auch nicht viel her. Auf späteren Seiten wird sogar das Moveset von Sonic in Super Smash Bros beschrieben. Und mehrere Seiten befassen sich anschließend damit, welche Sonic Charaktere in Smash Bros als Sticker oder Trophäe auftauchen. Das ganze natürlich auch nur in Tabellenform und ohne irgendwelche Bilder.

Zum Glück ist nicht das ganze Buch so öde, wie ich es bis jetzt beschrieben habe 🙂
Es gibt selbstverständlich auch Artworks zu bestaunen und die Sprites aus den früheren Games haben ihren ganz eigenen Charme. Dieses Buch bietet Einblicke in nahezu sämtliche Sonic Spiele, die jemals erschienen sind. Man bekommt eine Zusammenfassung der Story, Infos zu Charakteren, Gegnern (zum Teil auch Bosse) und anderen NPCs, Beschreibungen zu Items, Levels und der Hub World (sofern vorhanden). Dabei werden manche Spiele aber ausführlicher beschrieben als andere.

Nur als Beispiel: Dodon Pa, ein Charakter aus Team Sonic Racing, wird zwar namentlich erwähnt, ein Bild von ihm sieht man aber nicht. Auch Shade aus Sonic Chronicles wird nicht ohne ihre Maske gezeigt. Und die Charaktere aus Sonic Allstars Racing Transformed werden ebenfalls nur in einer Tabelle mit Namen erwähnt. Dafür haben aber ALLE Nebencharaktere aus Sonic Unleashed ein kleines Bild und eine kurze Beschreibung spendiert bekommen.

Noch ein Beispiel: Bei Sonic Rivals 2 wird eine ganze Seite dafür verwendet, die Bonuskostüme zu präsentieren, welche man freischalten kann. Die Kostüme, die man in Sonic Adventure 2 Battle freizocken konnte, finden jedoch keinerlei Erwähnung und werden demnach auch nicht gezeigt. Schade.

Trotz allem gebe ich dem Buch 4 Sterne. Warum? Weil das Buch für mich eine Reise in die Vergangenheit darstellt. Ich habe als Kind Sonic gespielt und zocke auch heute noch Sonic (mit meinen eigenen Kindern). Das Buch hätte meiner Meinung nach etwas mehr Feinschliff vertragen können, aber die Qualität ist klasse und der Umfang enorm. Weniger Tabellen wären schön gewesen, dafür dann mehr anständige Bilder. Aber es ist halt kein Art Book…
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Mariana Filippini
Livro enorme, cheio de Sonic hehe
Reviewed in Brazil on January 12, 2022

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Primeiro, eu me impressionei com o tamanho do livro, não achei que fosse tão grande kk. E depois, é muito bom o livro! Ele passa por todos os jogos oficiais que já existiram do Sonic, com uns que nunca imaginei que poderiam existir. Tem muita curiosidade, explicação sobre personagens, fases, chefes, etc. É um excelente livro para quem é fã de Sonic.

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