8 Paradoxes of Leadership Agility PDF Free Download

Features of 8 Paradoxes of Leadership Agility PDF

The world is ever-changing in unpredictable ways.8 Paradoxes of Leadership Agility PDF

As a leader, you need to constantly re-examine your assumptions of what it means to be “great” as old models of leadership quickly fade into irrelevance. In short, you need an agile mindset.

But how can you, as a leader, become agile?

We need to update and disrupt past definitions of leadership – to challenge ourselves and test our relevance often. We need to recognize challenges swiftly and respond decisively, especially when our environment is volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous.

8 Paradoxes of Leadership Agility teaches you how to rise to your challenges by describing how leaders met their challenging conundrums with agility and emerged stronger.

This book outlines a powerful model and actionable steps using the Re4 Coaching Model developed by Chuen Chuen. The Re4 Coaching Model, clearly illustrated in this book, helps you see your world with objective clarity, understand what has to be done and why. Through this coaching model, you gain the resolve and confidence to overcome challenges with authenticity, integrate theoretical learning with practical steps and learn to thrive.

The Re4 coaching model focuses you by using four basic principles:

• Reconstruct the map – change your perception to find the truth;
• Refresh the Lens – identify and remove assumptions and bias;
• Renew the Identity – use your new perception and lens to create a new business persona that tackles change;
• Rebuild the Capabilities – Learn and practice new skills and actions for improved outcomes.

Using this method, Chuen Chuen shows you the gap between theory and practice through stories of leaders distilled into eight representational paradoxes that can occur in any culture, contexts, levels of seniority or industries. This book contains exercises with guiding questions you can use to navigate your paradoxes.

It’s time for you to grow and thrive.

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Description of 8 Paradoxes of Leadership Agility PDF

Do you aspire to make money and start a business that will make your life comfortable and easy to live. The this book (book name pdf) is one of the best books you can rely on, recommended by the top moguls around the world. It has all the indispensable information on how to start or grow a business that surpasses all bounds of time and goes on to florish in any way. It does not matter what you want to start with, this masterpiece will guide you in all the decisions that you have to make to grow your business in ways that you have only imagined. A must read if you wish to make money and make your life more comfortable.

The Authors

“To be successful, you need to be agile.” You may have heard this oft-repeated adage. Agility is a much-talked-about, crucial quality expected of leaders.
If these questions intrigue you, this book will offer you valuable and practical insights. In its pages, you will read true stories of how leaders navigated real-life challenges and reached their goals using the proprietary Re4 Coaching Model. These stories and their analyses bridge the gap between theory and practice.
A section at the back of this book provides step-by-step exercises to facilitate and support your own exploration and self-discovery.
Let the journey begin!

Dimensions and Characteristics of 8 Paradoxes of Leadership Agility PDF

  • Identification Number ‏ : ‎ B0893JQ6YH
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ ACESENCE; 2nd edition (May 31, 2020)
  • Publication date ‏ : ‎ May 31, 2020
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • File size ‏ : ‎ 1014 KB
  • Simultaneous device usage ‏ : ‎ Unlimited
  • Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
  • Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
  • Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • Print length ‏ : ‎ 134 pages
  • Lending ‏ : ‎ Enabled

Top reviews

Tang Li Chow
 Practical guide to navigating the paradoxes a leader will face

April 19, 2020

I especially like how Chuen Chuen used metaphors with clients to help them put their finger on a complex situation in a simple way. The quest for simplicity is even more pressing now than ever before when we are swamped with more information than we could digest. And I think metaphors stick in people’s minds and can serve as timely reminders just when they are slipping back into their old habits again.

I also like how Chuen Chuen framed leadership as having to navigate paradoxes. Because too often, we hear of facilitators and coaches exhort leaders to do many things, eg. coach people. It’s not that leaders don’t want to do all the right things. They just can’t, with so many competing demands. What is more helpful is to guide them in thinking how they could find an optimal point between two opposites.

Chuen Chuen meticulously documented her experiences with each client for each paradox, so this should serve as a practical guide for a leader wanting to navigate the paradoxes that he faces.

Eric Shoars
 A leader’s handbook for today’s business environment

June 7, 2020

There are many leadership books out there that are heavy on concept and light on real-world application. This book is NOT one of those. In 8 Paradoxes the author outlines the 8 distinct paradoxes and then shares real-life stories of a leadership issue, the featured leader’s challenges, the prescribed solution, and the outcome. It has a “you are there” feel to it that can make you feel as though you are in the room with the author and each leader. This book has depth, detail, and something all leaders can learn from to make themselves, their workplace, and their teams better.
 A useful manual on how to become an agile leader

August 10, 2020

We all have the tendency to resist change. But change is inevitable in the real world. This book describes the Re4 Coaching Model and provides some good advice on how to become an agile leader. Useful examples make it easy to understand that not everything has to be “black and white”. By applying this model, the book provides guidance on how to achieve balance when faced with the paradox of two equally desirable but conflicting choices.
Thomas Herold
 The Paradoxes in Life and How to Overcome Them

June 11, 2020

Yeo Chuen Chuen has done a fabulous job of identifying eight common paradoxes we often face when we work with a team and as a leader. The individual stories, that are attached to each paradox makes this book a very refreshing read. But it gets even better, you the reader, can engage in exercises to find your unique approach to each paradox. I highly recommend this book to everyone who works with people or is at a leading business position.8 Paradoxes of Leadership Agility PDF
Reference: Wikipedia

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