The Last Thing He Told Me PDF Free Download

The Last Thing He Told Me PDF

Features of The Last Thing He Told Me PDF

The Last Thing He Told Me PDF-A “gripping” (Entertainment Weekly) mystery about a woman who thinks she’s found the love of her life—until he disappears.

Before Owen Michaels disappears, he smuggles a note to his beloved wife of one year: Protect her. Despite her confusion and fear, Hannah Hall knows exactly to whom the note refers—Owen’s sixteen-year-old daughter, Bailey. Bailey, who lost her mother tragically as a child. Bailey, who wants absolutely nothing to do with her new stepmother.-The Last Thing He Told Me PDF

As Hannah’s increasingly desperate calls to Owen go unanswered, as the FBI arrests Owen’s boss, as a US marshal and federal agents arrive at her Sausalito home unannounced, Hannah quickly realizes her husband isn’t who he said he was. And that Bailey just may hold the key to figuring out Owen’s true identity—and why he really disappeared.-The Last Thing He Told Me PDF

Hannah and Bailey set out to discover the truth. But as they start putting together the pieces of Owen’s past, they soon realize they’re also building a new future—one neither of them could have anticipated.

With its breakneck pacing, dizzying plot twists, and evocative family drama, The Last Thing He Told Me is a riveting mystery, certain to shock you with its final, heartbreaking turn.-The Last Thing He Told Me PDF

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Description of The Last Thing He Told Me PDF

The Last Thing He Told Me PDF This is the best book for anyone around the world to download and must read whether of any age or any profession as they will improve the thinking with which you live your life dramatically.

The Authors

The Last Thing He Told Me PDF

Laura Dave is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Last Thing He told Me, Eight Hundred Grapes and other novels. Her work has been published in thirty-five countries. The Last Thing He Told Me is soon to be a limited series for Apple TV+. She resides in Santa Monica.-The Last Thing He Told Me PDF

You can follow her on Instagram @lauradaveauthor

Dimensions and Characteristics of The Last Thing He Told Me PDF

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Simon & Schuster; Book Club edition (May 4, 2021)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 320 pages
  • International Standard Book Number-10 ‏ : ‎ 1501171348
  • International Standard Book Number-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1501171345
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.07 pounds
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6 x 1 x 9 inches
  • Book Name : The Last Thing He Told Me PDF

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Top reviews

Gordon Russell “This has got to be the most surprising disappointment of a book. Who are all these 5 star reviewers? The writing was boring, the characters flat, it was repetitive, contrived.. The author created suspense by basically not telling you anything forEVER. And the daughter whom the protagonist, Hannah, was to protect? Complete brat. She was just miserable ALL THE TIME and yet, Hannah, to the point of obsequiousness, is constantly trying to win her over and every page has some melodramatic prose about her heart breaking wide open or being thrilled with the slightest act of grace from the obnoxious brat in need of protection. Why was daughter so entitled to be miserable and rude while being raised by doting dad in Sausalito of all places? Dad just shrugs, Hannah tries harder because she is, IDK, spineless? But wait until you get to the part where we find out what daughter is being protected from! It’s so absurd, so implausible that hurling book at wall seemed reasonable. Hannah is just a constant pillar of deep introspection and moral superiority. She’s going to devote her whole life to said brat. Also, Grady, the US Marshall character? No! No, he would not have spent over a decade personally invested in the life of the son-in-law of an ex con and he most certainly wouldn’t have worn a baseball cap on backwards in every appearance he makes in the novel. What grown man in law enforcement walks around in his professional life with a baseball cap on backwards? Was that supposed to be charming? Because I see that backwards cap on any man’s head and I want to knock it the heck off.

The only pleasure I got out of this book is the cathartic experience I’m having writing this review and arriving at the sound decision of never buying a Reese Witherspoon book club pick again. And if she produces or stars in the film or series version, I’ll never forgive her or watch Walk the Line again for like the 12th time.”

Well Read Nana 1/24 “I wish I could have given this read 5 stars , it had the potential. The writer was very professional in her grammar and definitely has talent but this book fell short for me .Owen the husband that goes missing I unfortunately never got to know .I wasn’t given enough about his love for Hannah .I wanted to understand what made Hannah move her whole life , devote, forgive and
alter her entire life to this marriage for this man. I understood the basics of Hannah ‘s need for family but the author was vague when she needed put in more emotional depth between her and Owen .Less martyr Hannah and more pissed ,sad even broken Hannah would have been better and more relatable. The sainted understanding Hannah wasn’t real enough for me .The author went to great length of wood species but didn’t bother to fill in the gaps of what I would have wanted to know.The ending was lack luster when I wanted more , much more for Hannah, Bailey and yes Ethan .The ending just left me with “well that’s it then ” ugh !I just wanted to read about Hannah not just settling for crumbs but getting some cake .So I’ll give this read a 3.5 stars only unfortunately.If this read was more detailed, more emotionally fueled , less Martyr Hannah, more in depth(even POV ) Ethen and Owen I could have excepted the ending .Not a bad read but with some more plausible scenarios, with more of what I wanted answered than what I got it would and easily could have been a amazing read. Dear writers less is never more in a story ,vague endings stink so please keep that it mind please.”

carla “I read the review that gave this book low rating and I feel like they’re missing Haidt’s main point/ reason to write about this book. Haidt is concerned about social cohesion. And the thing is social cohesion comes from homogeneity or at least shared values or activities. Considering that the left is all about diversity, newness and difference, it makes sense that he would portray it in a somewhat negative light. The problem with insisting on difference and individuality, is that instead of making society adapt to you, it makes society notice your difference even more and hence, cause more bigotry and racism. Furthermore, I would like to point out something about diversity and multiculturalism. Multiculturalism is a pretty word that is tossed around when we’re talking about diversity, but it seems to me that very few people understand it.

Multiculturalism hardly means people living together as a community, it means having community within a larger community. Take the example of London, you have people from Eastern Europe on one side, the Polish only stays with the Polish, the Slovakian with the Slovakian and so on and so forth. Then, you have Black Jamaican who make up another unit. You have Black African (Anglophone and Francophone) – Nigerian, Ghanaian, Ugandan, Ivorian, Congolese…etc. Obviously nobody actually mix together. Nigerian stays with Nigerian, Ivorian with Ivorian and so on and so forth. Then you have Indians and Pakistani who stays with people who come from the same country as them. Even Italian in London usually stays with Italians. In fact not long ago, an Italian told me that there was a big association for Italian in London and that he was a member. There are many other group that I skipped because I couldn’t be bothered but you understand what I mean. And then you have the English – some accept this diversity (usually easier in good economic time), others merely tolerate it.

All group have a natural tendency toward self-segregation. But on top of that, these days we have an external pressure from the Left. The Left does everything it can to remind people how different they are from another, besides picking nonsense battle which erode social trust and our already tenuous social cohesion (i.e tearing statues, protests on university…etc).

The left in its haste to remake fail to understand that a) the world as it is though not perfect is way better than it use to be and b)that if they continue it will only lead us to a civil war. There is still poverty but anyone who’d read history would know that it’s nothing as it used to be (read for example Way to Wigan Road), racism though still a major issue is better now than it ever was. I should also point out something people always talk about how Trump brought a fascist state, about how much of a Nazi he is and so on and so forth. Do they not realise that if they were living in a true Nazi state they could not insult him, or his supporter the way they do on TV or even anonymously on social media? Trump is bad, but no he’s isn’t creating a new Nazi Germany or URSS. And really saying such things is terribly insensitive to the people who lived through those time.

By the way, I do not mean to say that injustice should not be tackled, but it has to be done in a pragmatic and useful way. Concretely, though I understand why he did this, what has Kaeparnick protesting the American flag accomplished besides increasing polarisation? Similarly, for the last couple of years I have heard using terms such as white privilege, white supremacists, old white men, patriarchy and other similar words in almost in every sense and often when they aren’t warranted. But what has it accomplished? It has created a backlash from conservative and annoyed liberals. You also have white liberals who have accepted those terms. But I believe for some, it is only a cool trend they have stumbled into, for other it is a form of religion which I’m not entirely sure they fully believe into, and the last group simply feel obliged.

To be clear, I do believe that in an unfair world, black people are more likely to suffer from unfairness than white people. There are various reasons for this bias and prejudice, the fact that black people are a numeral minority (10% of black in US, only 2% in UK and probably also about 2% in France) whereas white are the majority, lack of economic power of black people in the country they live, lack of economic country of African countries and cultural difference. So, in a sense I believe that white privilege exists, but I think that the way we go about talking about it is simply too divisive and does not promote understanding or even compassion.

I am very well aware of all the wrong white led country have done in history. Though if we’re being very fair about it, Arab countries (slavery) and Asian countries (mostly Japon have done the same [severe colonisation of neighbours]) have done similar misdeed. But really, we can’t expect someone to understand our point of view when we scream have him that the colour of his skin make him a bad person, even if he personally hasn’t done anything. Or when we say that all white people are basically evil. I understand where people are coming from when they say that. Exchanging with someone who has entrenched beliefs about you & your people, who simply cannot imagine that his experience is not the experience of everybody else or someone who is wilfully ignorant/ selectively chose morsel of history (many Conservative) can be very trying. Nonetheless, if our objective is to make a positive change then we need to change how we communicate.

Going back to the book, though Haidt says that Conservative have six moral foundation rather than the Liberal’s three, he does point out the flaws within the Conservative movement. Besides, Haidt never said that having the six moral foundation mean that you can’t be biases or that your reasoning is perfect. In fact, you could argue that he said the contrary. One more thing, someone pointed out that if Conservative score high in Loyalty how come they distrust the government. Well, this reading is wrong. Conservative do trust government to provide a good environment/ market, they trust the government’s words, including its lies. Essentially, they gov to rule the environment but not the individual. You should remember that they also score high in Liberty. Hence, it isn’t surprising that they do not want an external force to rule them.

I suppose some people aren’t happy just because he didn’t call them racist idiots. By the way, even after reading this book, I still have trouble reconciling my initial views with the picture Haidt presented. What I’m trying to say is that though Haidt’s book gave me a lot of insight, I still have much to digest.

I would recommend this book to anyone who want to understand politics and their neighbours with different political opinion.

There’s only one thing which the book is missing for me. It is a niggle and really, Haidt already did enough and couldn’t have looked at this. But I wonder how morality work/ develop across race. For example, a lot of black people are liberal/ democrats because this side have generally been against injustice and willing to do something for the lower section of society. But, could it be that some despite their skin colour are actually closer in their moral spectrum to the white conservative they despise (and who in turn may despise them)? More bluntly said, if instead of being black, they had been born white, could their political leaning be completely different because being white and conservative doesn’t come with the same baggage has being black and conservative? Really, if they white conservative could leave out his bias, could the black who have the same moral makeup as him get along better with him than with fellow black who do not have the same moral buds?

Really, I can’t help wondering how much who you are outside influence your political leaning despite who you are inside. If I had the opportunity I would have done a Phd on this. But ah…I’m way too busy. Has anyone ever thought about this?

In any case, as I said, highly recommended!”

Reference: Wikipedia

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