Principles of Personal Defense PDF Free Download

Principles of Personal Defense PDF

Features of Principles of Personal Defense PDF

Principles of Personal Defense PDF-It is a classic, timeless work, encap –
sulated in a clear, concise, and succinct
form. And like a twentieth-century Western
Civilization equivalent of Musashi’s seventeenth-
century Book of Five Rings, it should
be read, studied, and then periodically
reread and restudied. No matter how many
times you read it, you will always find one
more pearl of wisdom that you missed
during the last read.
Principles of Personal Defense is the
fighting man’s guide to mental conditioning
— plain and simple. And there is no
better work on the subject — period.
Maybe the Glory Days are gone, and
Baby’s throaty roar no longer rings out
over the Yavapai hills, but the wisdom
and knowledge are laid out in print for
perpetuity. All you have to do is read and
learn . . .
Louis Awerbuck
January 2006

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Description of Principles of Personal Defense PDF

A teacher or a professor can only wish to be able to get their hands on this Principles of Personal Defense PDF masterpiece. It is renowned worldwide and a bestseller on online store for the subject of teaching and learning. Everyone should be reading this book if the want to enhance their teaching and learning skills all the same and be able to make a significant impact on the future of the world. This book has all the indispensable ingredients required to make you the top notch cream of teachers and learners the world has to offer for students anywhere regarding the subject. Download now.

The Authors

Principles of Personal Defense PDF

Jeff Cooper was born in Los Angeles, California, in 1920. He was educated at Stanford University and took his advanced degree from the University of California. He was commissioned in the Marine Corps in 1941 and served throughout World War II in the Pacific, achieving the rank of Major. Recalled to active duty for the Korean War, he moved up one rank to Lieutenant Colonel before leaving the service.

Cooper became a shottist at the age of eleven. In 1958 he originated the sport of practical pistol competition. From this activity he formulated the Modern Technique of the Pistol, now generally observed throughout the world. For the next thirty years he was active in teaching the new method throughout the Western World.

In 1976 Jeff Cooper founded the International Practical Shooting Confederation. In 1977 he founded the American Pistol Institute at Gunsite in Arizona, where he lived until his death in 2006.

He served as editor-at-large of Guns and Ammo magazine, for which he wrote a monthly column. After having served many years as a director of the National Rifle Association of America, he was elected to the Executive Council.

Jeff Cooper spent a long and active life reading, shooting, hunting, fighting and teaching. Internationally respected as the “Gunner’s Guru,” Jeff Cooper is a philosopher, moralist, and political

Dimensions and Characteristics of Principles of Personal Defense PDF

  • Identification Number ‏ : ‎ B08GPCLQTV
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ BookBaby; 1st edition (August 24, 2020)
  • Publication date ‏ : ‎ August 24, 2020
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • File size ‏ : ‎ 2801 KB
  • Simultaneous device usage ‏ : ‎ Unlimited
  • Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
  • Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • Print length ‏ : ‎ 38 pages
  • Lending ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • Book Name : Principles of Personal Defense PDF

Top reviews

Shawshank “When I was thinking of what type of person should read this book, I really struggled to ID a “type” of person. Then it struck me – everyone needs to read this. There are some people who area already geared up and thinking along these lines. I am one of those persons who tries to maintain situation awareness where ever I go, but Col. Cooper really put my mind in the game. He covers the full mental spectrum of personal defense. Listen, it doesn’t matter where you carry concealed or not, it doesn’t matter if you ven support the act of carrying concealed. This book isn’t about that. This book is about you coming out on the other end of a personal attack alive, able to go home to you family. Able to see you kids another day. Able to see your wife or husband another day (Hopefully you want that…) able to see your brother or sister, mother or father again. This world we live in today isn’t like it was 60 years ago. Today people will take from you because they believe they can. Today people don’t have a respect and love for human life – other human life. So in light of that truth you should get this book. Yes, I’m talking to you. On the fence, still wanting to believe that “nothing could happen to you”. Well I thought that myself and in a small town in a big state I was proven wrong, when a man with a disregard for human life took my mother’s life. I wonder how she would have fared had she had the mind that Col Cooper shared with us. Maybe the result would have been the same maybe it would not have been, I will never know. But what I do know is that this world, even small little towns have people with evil intent in their hearts. What will be your response when your path crosses theirs? Here is another fact, your chance for survival increases exponentially when you do counter-attack with surprise, speed, and violence of force, the chances of you seeing those you love another day do increase. This is the area Col. Cooper covers. He doesn’t talk about the “How”, he talks about the state of mind you need to be in to protect yourself and those you love.”
stark “I’m required to read this before a fighting pistol training course I’m taking this weekend. I’m a mom to 5, a wife, a homemaker, a patriot citizen. I had read last week a news article written in response to all the terrorist and mass shooting attacks that said our society’s instruction to just submit to the violent attacker is pretty much ensuring that more innocent lives will be taken. When I look at the news and everyday I see another attack, it becomes clear that the police we depend on are not in the right place at the right time, and no one is prepared to defend themselves or others. I’m done with that. “BE the change you want to see in the world.” The first step starts with me being prepared. This book is a great intro to the mindset required to go from a victim mentality that our government pushes to the mentality of a survivor of a violent attack. I plan to read it again and again until these principles become embedded in my instincts, so that if, God forbid, I’m ever in a violent attack situation, I will be a survivor, along with any other innocent lives around me.”

Brent L “It is one of the seminal works of Jeff Cooper. It is a reissue, done later, but no less good.

It is basic, but direct and thought provoking.

If you ever plan to, or think you may ever need to, defend yourself from hostility then you MUST read this book as part of your preperation for that eventuality. Personally, I believe anyone in a line of work where conflict may occur, and anyone who in their everyday life may encounter violence, HAS TO read this book.

It is not going to tell you how to do what you will need to do, but the thought provoking nature of it will certainly help you toward the mental preps needed to act if and when a horrible time comes.”

Reference: Wikipedia

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