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Attributes of Pandoras Jar by Natalie Haynes PDF
The tellers of Greek myths—historically men—have routinely sidelined the female characters. When they do take a larger role, women are often portrayed as monstrous, vengeful or just plain evil—like Pandora, the woman of eternal scorn and damnation whose curiosity is tasked with causing all the world’s suffering and wickedness when she opened that forbidden box. But, as Natalie Haynes reveals, in ancient Greek myths there was no box. It was a jar . . . which is far more likely to tip over. Pandoras Jar by Natalie Haynes PDF
In Pandora’s Jar, the broadcaster, writer, stand-up comedian, and passionate classicist turns the tables, putting the women of the Greek myths on an equal footing with the men. With wit, humor, and savvy, Haynes revolutionizes our understanding of epic poems, stories, and plays, resurrecting them from a woman’s perspective and tracing the origins of their mythic female characters. She looks at women such as Jocasta, Oedipus’ mother-turned-lover-and-wife (turned Freudian sticking point), at once the cleverest person in the story and yet often unnoticed. She considers Helen of Troy, whose marriage to Paris “caused” the Trojan war—a somewhat uneven response to her decision to leave her husband for another man. She demonstrates how the vilified Medea was like an ancient Beyonce—getting her revenge on the man who hurt and betrayed her, if by extreme measures. And she turns her eye to Medusa, the original monstered woman, whose stare turned men to stone, but who wasn’t always a monster, and had her hair turned to snakes as punishment for being raped.
Pandora’s Jar brings nuance and care to the millennia-old myths and legends and asks the question: Why are we so quick to villainize these women in the first place—and so eager to accept the stories we’ve been told?
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Illustrations of Pandoras Jar by Natalie Haynes PDF
This book Pandoras Jar by Natalie Haynes PDF is one of the most trusted and renowned book for the subject of politics and social sciences by some of the leading teachers and professors around the world as it has the qualities to enhance the thinking and knowledge of how the world works around politics and socialism. It is a must read for anyone who aspires to teach themselves and all others around them about how this world of today and in the past worked and how they can create an impact on the future.
The Writers
Natalie Haynes is the author of six books, including A Thousand Ships, which was a national bestseller and was shortlisted for the 2020 Women’s Prize for Fiction. She has written and recorded seven series of Natalie Haynes Stands Up for the Classics for the BBC. Haynes has written for the Times, the Independent, the Guardian and the Observer. She lives in London.
Proportions of Pandoras Jar by Natalie Haynes PDF
- Publisher : Harper Perennial (March 29, 2022)
- Language : English
- Paperback : 320 pages
- International Standard Book Number-10 : 0063139464
- International Standard Book Number-13 : 978-0063139466
- Item Weight : 8 ounces
- Dimensions : 5.31 x 0.72 x 8 inches
Reviews From Customers
“Funny, sharp explications of what these sometimes not-very-nice women were up to, and how they sometimes made idiots of . . . but read on!” — Margaret Atwood, author of The Handmaid’s Tale
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