Mini Habits for Weight Loss PDF Free Download

Mini Habits for Weight Loss PDF

Features of Mini Habits for Weight Loss PDF

Mini Habits for Weight Loss PDF

Say goodbye to calorie counting, restrictive food bans, or other forced behaviors. In Mini Habits for Weight Loss, you will learn how to lose weight naturally, in the precise way your body and brain are meant to change.

We’ve blamed ourselves for lack of discipline. That didn’t help.
We’ve blamed calories, carbs, and fat. That didn’t help.
We’ve blamed our diet formulas. That didn’t help.

It’s time we looked at the practice of dieting.

Nearly all diets are ineffective because they’re based on dieting. Every person has a diet (noun), but it’s only if you are trying to lose weight that you diet (verb). Dieting is eating and drinking sparingly or selectively to reduce your weight.

It doesn’t work. If you’ve tried dieting, you know that.

Even the “perfect diet” with the right foods will fail if it’s approached from the traditional dieting perspective. Since weight loss experts are more concerned with biology than neuroscience, we get brilliant discussions on nutrition followed by the same dumb suggestion to “immediately start eating completely different foods than the ones you’re habitually used to eating, and give up everything else.”

Are You Fighting Your Own Body and Brain?

The brain resists dramatic behavioral shifts. Recognizing this and developing a strategy around it made the original Mini Habits the #1 selling self-help book in a number of countries. In Mini Habits for Weight Loss, you’ll see that we also biologically resist such changes, which explains why most dieters and smoothie-cleanse aficionados lose weight in the short term, only to gain it all back (and more) when the body adjusts.

Mini Habits for Weight Loss will show you how to make dietary changes in a sustainable, permanent way that doesn’t trigger biological or neurological resistance.

It’s a specialized version of the method that made the original book a hit in 14 languages. The mini habits remain easy to implement, but the reasoning and supporting tactics are more sophisticated. This is by necessity, as weight loss factors are many and varied. The strategies in the book are rooted in extensive biological and neuroscience research.

You’ll discover:


    • Why it’s a terrible idea to forbid junk food.


    • How some of the most impactful changes you can make don’t involve either diet or exercise.


    • Why conscious calorie restriction causes long-term weight GAIN, and how this science has been publicly available (and ignored) for more than 30 years.


    • How the body’s change process mirrors that of the brain, and why that is great news for losing weight.


    • Creative strategies to mitigate weight gain from eating out, social events, and holiday binge sessions.


    • Why eating fruit is essential to losing weight (for lots of reasons).


  • The role of exercise and an active lifestyle in weight loss, with appropriate strategies.

Most importantly, you’ll learn how to change your behavior and lose weight in the long term with mini habits.

Instead of reading yet another dieting book, why not try a proven behavioral change strategy that your brain and body will welcome and respond to?

Lasting change won’t happen until you take that first step toward a strategy that works.

Read Mini Habits for Weight Loss, and you’ll never diet again.

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Description of This Side of Doctoring PDF

At anytime given any circumstances, if you come across this book Mini Habits for Weight Loss PDF you must not waste your time to read it even if it takes you a lifetime. This unique masterpiece has all the ingredients that are required to help you out in any difficult time of your lives. This book for self help has been read and reviewed by thousands of customers and has been one of the leading books for life and how to spend it. It is a must download and must read for anyone of any age and who lives anywhere on this earth as it will make life much easier to bare and comfortable to live. Self help books are the reason why there are innovations and products that ease life of today. It inspires people to achieve what is unthinkable and do what is undoable until it is done. A must read, cannot emphasize more.

The Authors

Mini Habits for Weight Loss PDF

Stephen Guise

Stephen Guise is an international bestselling author, blogger, and entrepreneur. His books have been translated into 17 languages.

As an author, Guise is known for delivering highly actionable, world-class behavior change strategies in a humorous wrapper. Stephen lives near Disney World in Orlando, FL.

Dimensions and Characteristics of This Side of Doctoring PDF

    • Identification Number ‏ : ‎ B01N0FR4AX
    • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Selective Entertainment LLC (November 27, 2016)
    • Publication date ‏ : ‎ November 27, 2016
    • Language ‏ : ‎ English
    • File size ‏ : ‎ 1611 KB
    • Simultaneous device usage ‏ : ‎ Unlimited
    • Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
    • Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
    • Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
    • X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Enabled
    • Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
    • Print length ‏ : ‎ 253 pages
    • Lending ‏ : ‎ Enabled

Top reviews

Happy Sea Slug
 a radical change in mindset

March 7, 2017

Have you ever eaten a decadent slice of cheesecake, only to finish and think, “Man, I could really go for some vegetables right about now”?

If not, let me introduce you to Stephen Guise and the concept of mini habits. The idea, as conceptualized in this book, is not to take an approach of deprivation and radical change, but to make small, incremental, consistent changes that ultimately result in a permanent, healthy lifestyle. Stephen (can I call him Stephen?) is upfront from the beginning: this is not a journey of quick fixes, rapid weight loss, and cleanse diets. This is about working with the brain’s natural resistance to change by fooling it into thinking you’re not asking much from it. And really, you’re not. If your goal is to do one push-up a day, you will find yourself down on the ground much faster than if your goal is to do 20. And once you are down there, you will do some more. It’s human nature. The hard part, the decision to do a thing, is over at that point. And even on your worst day, even if you really only can do one, you’ve still made some forward momentum and reinforced that daily habit.Mini Habits for Weight Loss PDF

I only finished this book a couple of weeks ago, but I have already seen the changes happen. The most brilliant stroke was in never making a food craving off limits, no matter how ridiculously unhealthy. Instead, he encourages a movement toward healthy food, a letting go of the binary way we think about eating (”I’m going to eat healthy” vs ”I’m going to eat badly.”) As he says in his book, you know what’s better than three slices of pizza? Three slices of a pizza and a salad. It’s pithy and funny, but there is much wisdom here. When we’re at a party, we don’t have to decide between carrots and cookies. We can have both. And that realization is the spark of something rather profound. The more whole foods you eat, the more you incorporate them into your daily life, the more you want them for their own sake, not because you should eat better, or because you are desperate to lose weight, but because they are tasty and make you feel good.

My nutrition mini habit, one recommended by Stephen, is to make one healthy food upgrade a day. That means a banana with breakfast, or a vegetable with lunch, or water instead of soda for a meal… just one healthy change from the norm. What I’ve found, as Stephen predicted, is most days I do far more than that. Some days I find myself concocting entire meals from scratch, just because I would rather eat that. But even on my worst days, I can make that one change and feel like I have forward momentum. Thus I have found myself eating fresh vegetables alongside leftover pizza, and a red bell pepper after I finished my cheesecake.

What’s remarkably different from previous attempts to shift to a healthy lifestyle is that for the first time ever, it feels like a choice. Not some hard-nosed restriction I’m trying to impose on myself for my own good, but just making choices amidst the ebb and flow of everyday life (the fact that my other mini habit is sitting down on my meditation cushion before bed doesn’t hurt… I am much more mindful of my eating habits based on increased meditation alone.) Even my fast food addiction is waning, not because I’ve forbidden it, but because I’ve noted that fast food generally makes me feel like crap. I’m saving my sweet tooth for higher quality desserts, stuff I really love. I’m no longer eating with an attitude of scarcity – I shouldn’t be having this, I must eat it now because I can’t have it later.

When there is no famine, there is never any need for feast. I ate out at three restaurants this weekend, and not once did I overeat or feel guilty about my choices. It’s the difference between “What’s one small thing I can do to make this healthier?” and “Screw it, I’m going to eat all the things.” When you’re working within a more reasonable framework, when you stop with all or nothing thinking, you make more healthy choices than you would imagine, and you don’t have to fight your lazy brain to do it.Mini Habits for Weight Loss PDF

Darleen Barnard
 The secret to weight loss and success

June 24, 2018

I don’t write many reviews, but as a personal trainer and weight loss specialist, I am convinced that this book addresses 95% of what most people struggle with. Diets don’t work – plain and simple. It’s a multi-billion dollar industry so new “diets” will continue to flood the market and people will continue to buy into them and hope that this latest and greatest fade will be the magical solution they have been waiting for. The problem with diets, as we know and as this book addresses, is that they are too drastic for most people. Our willpower weakens over time and as soon as “life happens” or we have a moment of weakness, we revert right back to our old habits. Our subconscious mind does not like change and this is what drives most of our actions. We are creatures of habit and we must make very small changes daily so our subconscious mind doesn’t sound the alarm. The beauty of the ideas in this book is that they are so simple and ANYONE can do them. It doesn’t matter where you are today. Anyone who has experienced success will tell you that it’s the little things that we do, day in and day out, that separate those who succeed and those who don’t. This book is a must read for anyone who has been unsuccessful losing weight in the past or just wants to learn how to use habits to drive success.Mini Habits for Weight Loss PDF
Reference: Wikipedia

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