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Features of Dreaming Big My Journey to Connect India PDF
A young man from Titilagarh, Orissa, buoyed by nothing but dreams, boards a boat to America in 1964. There, in the land of opportunity, Satanarayan Gangaram Pitroda strikes gold in the burgeoning tech space to become the American millionaire Sam Pitroda. Armed with global patents and a vision supported by Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, he vows to return home and fix India’s telephone troubles.Dreaming Big My Journey to Connect India PDF
Sam Pitroda became synonymous with the bright-yellow PCO/STD booths that sprang up across the country, and was dynamo in the Congress machinery in the 1980s. But his world came crashing down when he was dealt one blow after the other—a heart attack, false corruption charges and the assassination of his dear friend Rajiv Gandhi. To make matters worse, he realized that he had run out of money.
This is the astonishing and heart-warming story of how one man at the top hits rock bottom—only to rise again and make a bigger dent in the world.
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Description of Dreaming Big My Journey to Connect India PDF
Do you aspire to make money and start a business that will make your life comfortable and easy to live. The this book Dreaming Big My Journey to Connect India PDF is one of the best books you can rely on, recommended by the top moguls around the world. It has all the indispensable information on how to start or grow a business that surpasses all bounds of time and goes on to florish in any way. It does not matter what you want to start with, this masterpiece will guide you in all the decisions that you have to make to grow your business in ways that you have only imagined. A must read if you wish to make money and make your life more comfortable.
The Authors
Mr. Sam Pitroda is an internationally respected telecom inventor, entrepreneur, development thinker, and policy maker who has spent 50 years in information and communications technology (ICT) and related global and national developments.
Credited with having laid the foundation for India’s telecommunications and technology revolution of the 1980s, Mr. Pitroda has been a leading campaigner to help bridge the global digital divide. During his tenure as Advisor to Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, Mr. Pitroda led six technology missions related to telecommunications, water, literacy, immunization, dairy production, and oil seeds. He was also the founder and first Chairman of India’s Telecom Commission. In these plural roles, Mr. Pitroda helped revolutionize India’s development philosophies and policies with a focus on access to technology as the key to social change.
As a way to induce the second phase of India’s technology revolution, in 2005 Mr. Pitroda headed India’s National Knowledge Commission (2005-2009), to provide a blueprint of reform for the knowledge-related institutions and infrastructure for the 21st century in the country.
Recently, Mr. Pitroda served as Advisor to the Prime Minister of India on Public Information Infrastructure and Innovation, with the rank of a Cabinet Minister. He served as the Chairman of the Smart Grid Task Force, as well as the committees to reform public broadcasting, modernize railways, deliver e-governance, and other developmental activities.
Mr. Pitroda is a Founding Chairman of five non-profit organizations including the India Food Bank, the Global Knowledge Initiative and the Institute of Transdisciplinary Health. He is also a founding Commissioner of the United Nations Broadband Commission for Digital Development and Chairman of the International Telecommunication Union’s m-Powering Development Board that looks to empower developing countries with the use of mobile technology.
In addition, Mr. Pitroda is a serial entrepreneur having started several companies in the United States. He holds around 20 honorary PhD’s, close to 100 worldwide patents, and has published five books and numerous papers and lectured widely all over the world. He lives in Chicago with his wife.
Dimensions and Characteristics of Dreaming Big My Journey to Connect India PDF
- Identification Number : B01BE15QD4
- Publisher : THE PITRODA GROUP LLC (February 1, 2016)
- Publication date : February 1, 2016
- Language : English
- File size : 7106 KB
- Text-to-Speech : Not enabled
- Enhanced typesetting : Not Enabled
- X-Ray : Not Enabled
- Word Wise : Not Enabled
- Lending : Enabled
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