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Alone Together by Sherry Turkle PDF

Features of Alone Together by Sherry Turkle PDF

Alone Together by Sherry Turkle PDF -A groundbreaking book by one of the most important thinkers of our time shows how technology is warping our social lives and our inner ones

Technology has become the architect of our intimacies. Online, we fall prey to the illusion of companionship, gathering thousands of Twitter and Facebook friends, and confusing tweets and wall posts with authentic communication. Alone Together by Sherry Turkle PDF-But this relentless connection leads to a deep solitude. MIT professor Sherry Turkle argues that as technology ramps up, our emotional lives ramp down. Based on hundreds of interviews and with a new introduction taking us to the present day, Alone Together describes changing, unsettling relationships between friends, lovers, and families.-Alone Together by Sherry Turkle PDF

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Description of Alone Together by Sherry Turkle PDF

A teacher or a professor can only wish to be able to get their hands on this Alone Together by Sherry Turkle PDF masterpiece. It is renowned worldwide and a bestseller on online store for the subject of teaching and learning. Everyone should be reading this book if the want to enhance their teaching and learning skills all the same and be able to make a significant impact on the future of the world. This book has all the indispensable ingredients required to make you the top notch cream of teachers and learners the world has to offer for students anywhere regarding the subject. Download now.

The Authors

Alone Together by Sherry Turkle PDF

SHERRY TURKLE, a social scientist and licensed clinical psychologist, has been studying people’s relationships with technology since the early personal computer movement in the late 1970s. She is the Abby Rockefeller Mauzé Professor of the Social Studies of Science and Technology at MIT and the founding director of the MIT Initiative on Technology and Self. Turkle is the best-selling author of six books and three edited collections, including four landmark studies on our relationship with digital culture: The Second Self, Life on the Screen, Alone Together, and Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a Digital Age. Turkle has edited three books on our lives with objects, Evocative Objects, Falling For Science, and The Inner History of Devices. They explore how our relationships with the object world have significant implications for work, education, and intimacy. In Simulation and its Discontents, Turkle explores the costs, intellectual, personal, and political of living so much of our lives in artificial worlds.-Alone Together by Sherry Turkle PDF

Her most recent book, The Empathy Diaries (Penguin Press, March 2021) turns her method of “intimate ethnography,” on her own life, examining the intellectual and emotional forces that shaped her into the woman and researcher she became, making the point that her emotional and intellectual became one, that her career, as she put it, became “lit from within.” It appeared to critical acclaim. Dwight Garner in The New York Times called it a “beautiful book. . . an instant classic of the genre.”

Dimensions and Characteristics of Alone Together by Sherry Turkle PDF

  • Identification Number ‏ : ‎ B01N9ZL5BH
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Basic Books; 1st edition (November 7, 2017)
  • Publication date ‏ : ‎ November 7, 2017
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • File size ‏ : ‎ 1586 KB
  • Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
  • Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • Print length ‏ : ‎ 386 pages
  • Lending ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
  • Book Name :Alone Together by Sherry Turkle PDF

Top reviews

Adam Kotanko “Sherry Turkle is an ethnographer of technology, which means that she observes people interacting with technology and interviews them about it in order to understand the meaning of that technology to users’ lives. She’s also a psychologist, concerned with holistic human wellbeing. Alone Together relies on her ethnographic observations to understand the ways that new technologies—specifically, companionable robots and the always-connected-wireless world—are affecting interpersonal relationships. Her writing, although not directly citing their work, continues in the tradition of Marshall McLuhan and Neil Postman in asking questions like, “How do new technologies affect their users? What are the ideologies inherent to technologies? And how can users consciously choose which ideologies to adopt and promote and which to reject?”

Alone Together is divided into two parts. The first looks at companionable software and hardware and argues that we lose something relationally important and meaningful when we create machines to substitute for people in providing care and companionship, especially for children and the elderly. The section includes discussions on artificial intelligence and machine emotions. Turkle argues that machines cannot “feel” emotions like human beings but rather can only imitate their expression to arouse emotions in us. She asks what that performance of emotion really means in comparison to the human, embodied expression of emotion, especially empathy. Turkle suggest that we should be concerned when we come to prefer the company of technology to that of people and when we rely on technology to assuage our negative feelings of guilt, loneliness, etc., for example in leaving our elderly parents in nursing homes.

The book’s second section explores how the always connected world affects interpersonal relationships. I found this part of the book more meaningful than the first, as the discussion on robotics didn’t touch my life personally much. I suspect the same will be true for many readers. Turkle, a professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), lives in an environment on the technological cutting edge that is permeated by robotics to a greater extent than the environments in which many live.

The second section of Alone Together analyzes how texting has replaced in-person communication and phone calls in many contexts. Turkle points out that texting promotes brief factual exchanges but not deeper interaction, allowing texters to create barriers to communication and share selectively. Likewise, Turkle explores Facebook and social media in general as spheres for identity development that allow for some experimentation but that also cause intense anxiety for users as they worry about how others will see them online and how that vision will impact real-world interactions. Facebook becomes for many a place of performance, selective sharing, and tension, rather than of depth and meaningful interaction. The second section of the book also looks at online lives (Second Life, World of Warcraft, etc.) and how those lives provide places of escape from the real world. Turkle shares stories about gamers whose fast paced, exciting digital worlds have replaced aspects of their slower real worlds, including one man prefers his Second Life wife to his physically-present wife and kids. The discussion is disturbing and hit home for me, as I know people who spent years playing WoW.

Alone Together’s overall theme is that we need to consciously consider the effects of new technologies on our lives and then pick and choose what we want to adopt, rather than simply accepting technologies without thinking. Turkle isn’t a Luddite, and this isn’t a book against new technology. Turkle sees the value of new connective technologies and discusses her integration of those technologies into her relationship with her daughter. Rather than an attack on new technology, Turkle’s work provides the basis for personal reflection on what technologies provide, but also on what they take away if we’re not careful. I think that’s an important discussion, which is why I highly recommend Turkle’s work.

A couple caveats to conclude. One of the pitfalls of ethnography as a way of understanding the world is that it necessarily relies on small but deeply-studied groups of people. It’s debatable about how generalizable ethnographic findings are. For example, in the section on robotics, Turkle focuses heavily on her university, MIT, and its work with robots. Living as she does in a highly educated and technologically literate part of the country, some of her findings might not be applicable to those living in areas with limited access to robotics and generally lower education levels. Likewise, although Turkle shares stories from a wide variety of people, she spends quite a bit of time on primary, private high school, and college students, as well as the elderly. Those demographics and their experiences with technology might not be reflective of the wider US population. In the same line of thought, Turkle doesn’t spend much time on how culture might affect technology use. But that wasn’t really her goal, so it’s not a knock on what is an important contribution. It’s just an area for further study.”

Reviewer “The other day, located at the museum of civilization in Quebec City (English translation) was an exhibit showcasing the dangers of technology and a room where would put under facial recognition technologies. The exhibit itself was an attempt to have a social discourse around aspects of technologies showcasing a strange scenario of a world that we are living in now, a technological revolution. Located on the corner of one of the exhibits was Sherry Turkle’s Alone Together works, which maybe one day will be looked at as a relic in a museum. The exhibit itself, sort of like this book, is more or less the most tame version possible. Technology itself seems to have a spectacle that Debord which sole goal is to prevent a social discourse or the Foucauldian conception of an inverse one referred to as a Panopticon.

Strangely, the being that is Sauron, the all seeing eye where nothing escapes its gaze in the land of Mordor is I think a good metaphor for data collection and at times does remind me of a more fully realized version. We are certainly way past both along with Deleuzian’s postscripts of society of control and are in the third stage where many issues like this are ignored for some reason and never discussed.

There are numerous discussions about other things and almost all of them have done little to nothing to alleviate the subject or create any type of discourse, I think this is largely built around the utilitarian utopia or perhaps it is more the telos (end of history) we are following where the end justifies the means and we must take our destiny into our own hands.

Maybe, its the dialectic toward synthesis of technology being an apocalyptic end to the world or being viewed as its binary opposite where it is viewed as super positive and innovative. Either way, it doesn’t matter, it will still keep happening and won’t matter, all it takes is preconditioning and ensuring that through the study of knowledge that certain areas can be manipulated and create addictions to technology, something that has already happened and of course there was no discussion around that and at the very least will maybe in a few decades if regulated, just become another addiction like cigarette warning labels with varying degrees of illegality.

Lately, there has been a push for people to be immortal beings or robots. Where people wish to become AI or something, without any possible agenda, losing all sense of privacy, presumably working toward a conquering of the right to disappear or to be immortal, there is a radical stance, that Jaron Lanier has actively discussed in his other works. There is again genetics where potentiality can be repressed to ensure that individuals are designed a certain way but at the end of the day, it follows an individuals that have already been “normalized” or subjectified and more or less bring things further under control.

There is now the strange avatar that is written on the internet or social media websites, one where people make presumptions and assume that person is real based upon what they say or their appearance of how they present their wall on Facebook or anything else really. As the reader knows, this is usually not the case and many find out the person they thought they knew wasn’t real at all or there was an entire missing area that existed in the real world occurring simultaneously, that if known, would provide clarity would make sense and put an end to all discussion. The internet itself has become like other addictions or obsessions it is usually for me as a reader the last place I would ever expect to have any type of discussion and 9 times out of 10, I have been misinterpreted severely (reddit) and have watched with some horror as it has been taken out of context as I’m sure many have experienced themselves.

It becomes more of a personal nightmare when others use the medium to write double meanings and then imagination, based on what the readers think takes over and one usually sees flame wars on various debates and forums, where no sense of anything is reached and its difficult to know who or what is even real or believes it at that point. There’s the expectation that those on the internet can be mature and tell the truth, and in time, it becomes obvious that’s non-existent not to say completely impossible.

There is also the aspect that everything has become distorted with fake news and reliability is put into the question, along with a certain unwellness as Turkle showcases here where people become more isolated. If we forcibly evolve the human being, (we have already done this with the destruction of the environment), we will create more of an imperfect world of artifice where humans will become more experimental I guess following a continuous deferment of knowledge toward reason and is very similar to a globe that is in the hand of another that designed it or well designed the future generations. I think if these were discussed I might begin to pay attention to the field but the waves have been non-existent at best. I found all one can do is perhaps bear witness to our destruction if we aren’t consumed in the next several centuries or so. Like most things none of the things that have happened up till now needed to play out the way they did and it still happened. I highly doubt anything will change, which has continuously declined over the years. Instead, it is simply the world people want, which is too bad of course, if there is another life after this one, like some sort option, I would have to do a massive evaluation at this point.

So in time as a reader, I may say more around the subject if I noticed some type of social discourse, but for now pretty non-existent and tame overall. You would need at the very least a second progressive era to counter it and that’s non-existent we are outdoing the 20th century gilded age and with that maybe some day it may change. Until then, no social discourse and tame books like this one. I did attempt to name drop areas for more interested readers to broaden their perspectives and get a full picture from another side. That doesn’t mean an endorsement from me, its more attempting to help the reader go down other routes if interested, because the field itself is tame and we are at a very bad turning point.”

Verified Customer “This book is interesting (and moving and melancholy at times), and an insightful journey through social robotics and people obsessed with the internet.

For the generalist reader, this deserves five stars. It gives a nice ‘tour’ of the issues and tells it like it is in a narrative, engaging way. Well written, but several typos in the central chapters; these didn’t impede the meaning but do show poor copyediting.

As an academic text, this only deserves two or three stars. Although the author is a trained psychologist, the psychological work in this seems very thin at best, and utterly unsubstantiated at worst. In other words, the author makes claims about the mental states of case study participants – particularly the children – which are not supported by references to any studies, theories, evidence etc. This gives the impression of “armchair psychology” – jumping to stereotypical conclusions that any untrained pleb could have made. E.g. that kids whose parents work long hours are neglected and desperate for attention, and suchlike. These inferences may well be true in the cases outlined, but without references to actual *studies* or at least psychological theories, explanations of methodology, how and why conclusions were reached (etc), the book is of little use to the academic reader.

But as I said, it’s an accessible and enjoyable read for the generalist audience. I would have just liked more endnotes, or a couple of methodological chapters which would be useful to the academic reader.”

Reference: Wikipedia

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