Trans When Ideology Meets Reality PDF Free Download

Trans When Ideology Meets Reality PDF

Features of Trans When Ideology Meets Reality PDF 

Trans When Ideology Meets Reality PDF-THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER and a Times, Spectator and Observer Book of the Year 2021

‘In the first decade of this century, it was unthinkable that a gender-critical book could even be published by a prominent publishing house, let alone become a bestseller.’ Louise Perry, New Statesman

‘Thank goodness for Helen Joyce.’ Christina Patterson, Sunday Times

‘Reasonable, methodical, sane, and utterly unintimidated by extremist orthodoxy, Trans is a riveting read.’ Lionel Shriver

‘A tour de force.’ Evening Standard

Biological sex is no longer accepted as a basic fact of life. It is forbidden to admit that female people sometimes need protection and privacy from male ones. In an analysis that is at once expert, sympathetic and urgent, Helen Joyce offers an antidote to the chaos and cancelling.

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Description of Trans When Ideology Meets Reality PDF

Trans When Ideology Meets Reality PDF Any lawyer who aspires to be the best in the world must resort to this book as it is a treasure for those who read it and excell at their studies and in their professional lives in a speed and manner that no other of their field can accomplish. It is a must read atleast once for all advocates and lawyers.

The Authors

I’ve been a staff journalist at The Economist since 2005. I’m currently executive editor for The Economist’s events business. Previously, I edited the paper’s economics and finance section, and before that, the International section. I joined The Economist in 2005 on the Britain section, as education correspondent, and between 2010 and 2013 I was based in São Paulo, as Brazil correspondent.

I have a PhD in mathematics from University College London. My B.A. was from Trinity College Dublin, and in between I did Part III Mathematics in Cambridge. While editing the International section, I became interested in gender identity, and now I’m writing a book about it.

Dimensions and Characteristics of Trans When Ideology Meets Reality PDF

  • Identification Number ‏ : ‎ B08XQYMWVQ
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Oneworld Publications (July 15, 2021)
  • Publication date ‏ : ‎ July 15, 2021
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • File size ‏ : ‎ 570 KB
  • Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
  • Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • Print length ‏ : ‎ 305 pages
  • Lending ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
  • Book Name : Trans When Ideology Meets Reality PDF

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Top reviews

margot “One must be impressed at how Helen Joyce, a financial writer, dived headfirst into this mare’s nest of controversy. Her career experience gives her a clear, readable prose style, and a willingness to attempt mind-numbing thickets that most people would prefer to ignore.

However this also means her presentation is often overly simplified, much like the glib casuistry that characterizes cover stories and leaders in The Economist. The book is like a PowerPoint presentation where the bullet-points are demonstrable nonsense. At one point she claims that phenotypic females with anomalous XY sex-chromosome conditions—there are a number of these—occur about once every 20,000 live births. But a cursory summation of the commonest XY female conditions suggests a frequency of at least 3 per thousand. Then she discusses a specific intersex condition (here abbreviated as 5-ARD), one in which ostensibly female children turn “male” around age 12. She tells us this oddity occurs most frequently in “regions of South America.” Actually the locales that usually get cited are Hispaniola in the Caribbean (q.v. “guevedoces”), and New Guinea. An editorial fact-checker might have been useful here, but apparently commercial publishers have done away with them, along with copy editors.

If the book is “about” anything, it’s a review of tabloid sensationalism. Instead of deeply ruminative porridge, Joyce serves us a smorgasbord of ephemeral hash from the last few years of bog-media. Again and again she gawps at the figure of Jazz Jennings, alias Bloshinsky, the dusky youngster from Florida whose mismanaged sex-change got broadcast through reality TV and kiddie books. Then there’s Keira/Quincy Bell from north of London, another mixed-race youth, who took testosterone from 18 to 22 before publicly expressing regret, thereby becoming a poster-child for a certain political faction. And on to Maya Forstater, a tax accountant who tried and failed to get a regular job at an American think-tank where she’d done some consulting gigs. When the London office didn’t hire her in 2019, she filed an industrial-tribunal complaint that she had “lost her job” because she liked to share her rarified “philosophical beliefs” via truculent, off-color social-media posts.

The book’s deeper historical overview is similarly lurid, full of misinformation that looks to have been gleaned from the Daily Mail or Twitter. She describes Harry Benjamin—an endocrinologist, gerontologist and colleague of Alfred Kinsey who died at 101 in 1986—as having begun his career as “out-and-out-quack.” It seems that when Harry was a freshly minted, Berlin-trained physician, he briefly assisted in testing a tuberculosis vaccine derived from attenuated bacilli in turtle urine. The turtle aspect made for some amusing news stories back in 1913. But the “turtle vaccine” was not a “fake” or a “fraud,” as Joyce claims, any more than Dr. Salk’s rhesus-monkey vaccine would be in the 1950s. (The turtle-vaccine adventure is recounted in Ethel Person’s ‘The Sexual Century,’ 1999, a book that does not appear in Joyce’s endnote apparatus.) Harry’s gerontological specialization in the 1930s is likewise dismissed by Joyce as quackery, although sexual rejuvenation was a lively and respected field at the time, made notable by such luminaries as Eugen Steinach (q.v.) and my cousin O. S. Lowsley, “the father of prostate surgery.” Joyce depicts the elderly Harry Benjamin becoming fascinated by transsexualism when he meets Christine Jorgensen “at a dinner party” in 1953. But this was not a random social collision, it was an arranged introduction by an old literary-circle friend of Harry’s, the novelist Tiffany Thayer. Mr. Thayer was a founder and longtime president of the Fortean Society, which promoted the work of both Kinsey and Benjamin in its monthly journal. Fortean Tiffany was hereby introducing Fortean Harry to a most Fortean subject. A tasty nugget of cultural history, but Helen Joyce rushes past it with an uninformed sneer.

Then we have April Ashley, who according to Joyce performed as a “dancer in a Paris burlesque club” when she was 20, under the name of Toni Arthur. Well, April was no dancer; Le Carrousel was no burlesque house (rather a pricey, touristy cabaret off the Champs Elysées); while April’s stage name was Toni April, April being her birth month. “Arthur” was actually the Christian name of her first husband, the Hon. Mr. Corbett, later Lord Rowallan. (Copy editors and fact checkers, please!) Incidentally, April is still with us in her mid-80s. A more resourceful author than Joyce would have rung her up. Discussing the legal climate of the era, Joyce claims that in the 1960s it was impossible in Great Britain to change one’s birth-certificate sex. Wildly untrue. Michael Dillon and Ewan Forbes, both physicians, re-registered themselves as males after sex reassignment in the 1940s and 50s; in the same era, Roberta Cowell and Georgina Turtle likewise obtained birth certificates as females.

“Women’s sports” is a worthy cause in general, and it’s an easy play to denounce people of intersex or transsex background by insinuating that “men” are invading women’s sports. Though it’s notable how the onetime females who now compete as men are conveniently overlooked when the general subject comes up. As is the fact that competitive athletics are a marginal concern for the better part of the distaff population. Left to their own devices, most girls past age 10 do not deeply desire to play football (any kind), baseball, cricket, wrestling, boxing, lacrosse; they don’t want to row crew, don’t wish to press barbells or throw the hammer, have no desire to be another Megan Rapinoe. A few competitive activities, such as horseback riding, lawn tennis, badminton, skeet shooting, and field hockey were acceptable feminine pursuits 150 years ago, and they continue to be popular today. But most girls’ sports at the secondary and collegiate level today often look like Affirmative Action fakery, a faddish confidence game declaring that “we’re as good as the boys”— though we know perfectly well we’re not. (Not that most of us care; we did track or crew in high school mainly to get into Princeton, and kept it up at university because our social lives coalesced around it.)

Helen Joyce, coming from a large and sporty family, pushes hard with a special pleading about the natural handicaps of young women in sports. The Female of the Species acquires extra fat as she matures, you see—to feed future babies; and then there’s the business with the hips and pelvis being shaped just so…et cetera, et cetera. The trouble with all this Robert Ardrey stuff is that it doesn’t quite jibe with reality. Young men and women of the same approximate gene pool, height, and weight are NOT particularly different in build. Distance and middle-distance runners all tend to be slender and narrow-hipped, whether male or female. Broad-pelvised, oddly jointed females seldom appear in track & field, just as achondroplastic dwarves don’t turn up on swim teams. So Joyce’s evolutionary/developmental pleading is a false argument. The fundamental athletic difference between the sexes, once you get away from extraordinary elite males like Michael Phelps, is that females by and large don’t have an overwhelming competitive drive. Not for sports, anyway. And then there are other key factors that Joyce conveniently sidesteps. She tells how some Connecticut public high-school girls tried to sue the state school board after they were beaten in a couple of sprint events by what they refer to as “males” or “transgenders.” But she leaves out the most visible characteristics of these latter sprinters: they were black! We may not be privy to these sprinters’ medical history, but we can see what they look like, and they look pretty much like other black female sprinters, age 16 or 17. If you want to argue for racially segregated athletics, that’s another issue for another time. But couching your resentment by saying you were beaten by “males” rather than beaten by ”blacks” is a cowardly, sour-grapes stance.

In a plenary chapter, subtitled “Where Do We Go From Here?”, Joyce points and splutters about perceived outrages, while conceding that she has no real solutions to anything. She’s painted herself into a corner by nodding her approval of things like Diversity and gay marriage, so has no moral or logical argument against people who claim to have changed sex when they haven’t, or say they are “nonbinary” or “gender fluid.” Nevertheless, in spite of my carping, the book is very readable, sometimes enjoyable, frequently irritating. Significantly, released the book only in hardcover at their UK site, on the same day (July 15) that it released Kindle and hardbound formats in the US. This cannot have been accidental. Dozens of five-star reviews immediately appeared at UK—often strident, three-line puffs by people who hadn’t made a at , which to means you didn’t buy or read it at all. (If you bought it from Blackwell’s, people, kindly let us know.) In America the response has been sparse and sedate. Why is there such a fuss over these matters in Great Britain? A likely reason is that expression of traditional biases and disdain is now illegal there, thanks to a succession of onerous Race Relations Acts. Whom then can you still hate and abuse, legally? Why not some obscure, invisible minority whom you never see but can rant about on Twitter?”

Table of Contents

Patrick Butler “While her chapter titles are clever, they are not helpful. Not so the chapter subtitles listed below. I found that each chapter fully delivers what its subtitle promises.

1. A brief history of transsexuality
2. Why some men want to be women, and why some people don’t want you to know
3. Gender identity 101
4. The catastrophic consequences of an adult ideology for gender-dysphoric minors
5. Why teenage girls are identifying out of the prospect of womanhood
6. How gender-identity ideology harms all children
7. How gender-identity ideology erases women
8. Why female-only spaces matter so much for women
9. How gender self-identification threatens to destroy women’s sports
10. The American Left’s embrace of gender self-identification
11. Transactivism’s long march through the institutions
12. How transactivism is chipping away at civil society
13. How British women are starting to fight back
Conclusion: Where do we go from here?”

Reference: Wikipedia

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