The Elements We Live By PDF Free Download

The Elements We Live By PDF

Features of The Elements We Live By PDF

Some elements get all the attention: glittering gold, radioactive uranium—materials we call “precious” because they are so rare. But what could be more precious than the building blocks of life—from the oxygen in our air to the carbon in all living things? The Elements We Live By PDF

In The Elements We Live By, physicist and award-winning author Anja Røyne reminds us that we’d be lost without the quiet heroes of the periodic table. Our bodies need phosphorous to hold our DNA together, potassium to power our optic nerves, and many more elements—in just the right amounts—to function. Other fundamental elements keep our technology (and society) running: Our phones contain arsenic, boron, and gallium to control signals and store information; indium and tin for the touch screen; and lithium for the battery.

Everything is made of elements—every galaxy, star, and planet—from the iron in Earth’s core to the silicon in its sand. But that doesn’t mean the elements we rely on will never run out; for example, about half the lithium we need is extracted from rocks in Australia, and the other half is from saltwater in Argentina and Chile. As Røyne travels the world to find where these elements exist (some in ever-shrinking amounts), she shows how vitally urgent it is for us to protect them—the elements of our very existence.

“Not just a discussion of basic chemistry, this is a volume that looks at the human impact on the planet and what we can learn from nature…Useful for science or sociology courses that address the various impacts of natural resource development or for popular science readers.” —School Library Journal

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Description of The Elements We Live By PDF

Of all the books out there The Elements We Live By PDF is one of the most worthy and praised book for the subject of engineering and transportation as is recommended by all the leading engineers and professional transporters around the world who so highly recommend to read this book atleast once a lifetime for anyone who aspires to be a part of these professions. It has all the indispensable and non essential ingredients an aspirant or student would want to have for themselves and is a must download for all.

The Authors

The Elements We Live By PDF

Anja Røyne, PhD, is a scientist and lecturer in the department of physics at the University of Oslo. A physicist with a background in solar energy, Røyne has also researched geological and geochemical processes and is now working on creating materials with biotechnology. In addition, she runs her own science blog, has shared her expertise in newspaper and radio programs, and frequently gives popular science talks.

Dimensions and Characteristics of The Elements We Live By PDF

  • Identification Number ‏ : ‎ B07WK5PXX8
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ The Experiment; Reprint edition (June 9, 2020)
  • Publication date ‏ : ‎ June 9, 2020
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • File size ‏ : ‎ 1646 KB
  • Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
  • Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
  • Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • Print length ‏ : ‎ 239 pages
  • Lending ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • Best Sellers Rank: #3,303 in Kindle Store

Top reviews

Bama Fan
Good quick overview if you are not familiar with this topic.
July 21, 2021

I think if you don’t know much about the periodic table or some of the sources and uses of the elements, then this book may be a good start. I’ve read several books that explore this type of content and I was hoping this one would supplement other information I’d picked up from books like Stuff Matters, The World in a Grain, Napoleon Buttons etc. This book also spent a lot more time on energy production than I anticipated and that was not what I was expecting. There was nothing new for me in terms of that topic, but if you are just getting into it, then there is some good information. I do not want to claim to know all of the info, as there were a few tidbits that were interesting, but overall, I think this is best for someone with a general interest in science rather than someone who enjoys reading a lot of non-fiction in science.

benjamin price
Naturally transfers knowledge of materials most important to our lives.
September 12, 2020

“The Elements We Live By” transfers awareness and a practical basic understanding of the materials most important to our daily lives. I loved reading this book and couldn’t wait to open it at the end of each day. Written in a way appropriate for enthusiasts of popular science like me, as well as high schoolers. I would absolutely encourage my school aged kids to read it.

My favorite part of this book is how Anja describes her experiences in life through the eyes of a scientist. Looking at the world around her, asking questions, finding answers, and sharing knowledge. Bravo!

I purchased this book from a recommendation on audible but chose to buy the hard copy. I would recommend this book to my friends, book clubs, and science teachers for their students.


February 16, 2021

Loraine Brenner
Great read
July 23, 2020

Well written, informative, the author holds our attention as she explains where the elements come from and how they are used in our everyday lives. She also looks to the future, describing realistic solutions to conservation.

Informative and thought-provoking
June 25, 2020
I received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Before anything else, I would like to say that the cover of this book is absolutely stunning besides being very appropriate for the content of the book. I especially liked that the book does not read like an encyclopedia entry for every element, but as a natural history of the element in our world with the author’s personal experienced interspersed. This book works well for readers like me, who are interested in learning more about the topic; i also think it can work really well as recommended reading in high school.
I have read other books bout chemical elements before, but what sets this book apart is the fact that the author included information that made me pause and reflect about our environment and practices several times. This book is thought-provoking and informative, without being alarming. The author signal what needs to be addressed if we want sustainability but does so with insights of hope and validation from a researcher perspective.

Angela C. Crigger
Interesting look at the most common elements we encounter each day
June 15, 2020
I was provided a copy of this book through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The Elements We Live By is an interesting read that connects common elements to our everyday use. Background information is given on each element before discussing how we obtain/use it, and how it is involved in our greater environment. The book can be read as a whole or can be taken by chapter. I see this being a good book to use in a science or english course. Reference information is provided, but directs the reader to more social articles and blogs than to research papers.

Reference: Wikipedia

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