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Attributes of Rescuing Socrates by Roosevelt Montás PDF
Rescuing Socrates by Roosevelt Montás PDF-A Dominican-born academic tells the story of how the Great Books transformed his life―and why they have the power to speak to people of all backgrounds
What is the value of a liberal education? Traditionally characterized by a rigorous engagement with the classics of Western thought and literature, this approach to education is all but extinct in American universities, replaced by flexible distribution requirements and ever-narrower academic specialization. Many academics attack the very idea of a Western canon as chauvinistic, while the general public increasingly doubts the value of the humanities. In Rescuing Socrates, Dominican-born American academic Roosevelt Montás tells the story of how a liberal education transformed his life, and offers an intimate account of the relevance of the Great Books today, especially to members of historically marginalized communities.
Montás emigrated from the Dominican Republic to Queens, New York, when he was twelve and encountered the Western classics as an undergraduate in Columbia University’s renowned Core Curriculum, one of America’s last remaining Great Books programs. The experience changed his life and determined his career―he went on to earn a PhD in English and comparative literature, serve as director of Columbia’s Center for the Core Curriculum, and start a Great Books program for low-income high school students who aspire to be the first in their families to attend college.
Weaving together memoir and literary reflection, Rescuing Socrates describes how four authors―Plato, Augustine, Freud, and Gandhi―had a profound impact on Montás’s life. In doing so, the book drives home what it’s like to experience a liberal education―and why it can still remake lives.
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Illustrations of Rescuing Socrates by Roosevelt Montás PDF
The life of extraordinary people must be shared and Rescuing Socrates by Roosevelt Montás PDF is one of its kind. It has all the information regarding the gentleman/woman’s struggles and their story of success or fiasco that every individual can learn from for their lives. It has grossed all charts and is the most recommended and praised books among those that read biographies and lives of people. A must read for a peaceful and wiser livelihood. Available without cost here.
The Writers
Roosevelt Montás is senior lecturer at Columbia University’s Center for American Studies and director of its Freedom and Citizenship Program, which introduces low-income high school students to the Western political tradition through the study of foundational texts. From 2008 to 2018, he was director of Columbia’s Center for the Core Curriculum. He lives in New York City. Twitter @rooseveltmontas
Proportions of Rescuing Socrates by Roosevelt Montás PDF
- Publisher : Princeton University Press (November 16, 2021)
- Language : English
- Hardcover : 248 pages
- International Standard Book Number-10 : 0691200394
- International Standard Book Number-13 : 978-0691200392
- Item Weight : 14.4 ounces
- Dimensions : 5.75 x 1 x 8.75 inches
- Rescuing Socrates by Roosevelt Montás PDF
Reviews From Customers
“Rescuing Socrates is a warm, appealing narrative of how it feels to be ‘thrust into a conversation’ with fellow students about life’s most ‘serious and unsettling questions.’”—Martha Bayles, Wall Street Journal
“[A] combination memoir and call to arms. . . . Despite those who claim that these are merely works by dead, possibly irrelevant white men, Montás argues that the Great Books approach has a fundamentally democratizing impulse.”—John McWhorter, New York Times
“Thanks to Montás . . . Socrates had a good 2021.”—George F. Will, Washington Post
“[An] earnest defense of the humanities, which is also a personal testament to the power of a liberal education.”—Thomas Chatterton Williams, The Atlantic
“One can only hope that Rescuing Socrates rescues others as well.”—Naomi Schaefer Riley, Commentary
“That’s why the perspective of Roosevelt Montás, author of Rescuing Socrates: How the Great Books Changed My Life and Why They Matter for a New Generation, is so badly needed. . . . In this part memoir, part call to action, Montás argues that reading great literature and philosophy can make working-class people’s lives more meaningful and that everyone should have the opportunity to read great books.”—Liza Featherstone, Jacobin
“Rescuing Socrates is a valuable and thoughtful book both sociologically and educationally, making a contribution to the ongoing debate over the past, present, and future of liberal-arts education in the United States.”—M.D. Aeschliman, National Review
“Montás. . . weaves a compelling personal narrative together with a forceful argument that reading classic texts, even those originating in predominantly white, Eurocentric cultures, is an important opportunity for underserved students of color to transform themselves and transform the inequitable social structures within which they are embedded”—Brian Rosenberg, Chronicle of Higher Education
“[An] insightful work. . . . Few colleges and universities still require study of Great Books as part of their curricula, but Montás makes a compelling case for the life-changing results of such pedagogy; he notes how, as an émigré from the Dominican Republic, he benefited from the breadth and depth of these approaches.” ― Library Journal
“By taking us through his reading and rereading of books over the course of a life, Montás can articulate what is rarely articulated well about great books education.”—Jonathan Marks, Washington Examiner
“A heartbreakingly honest immigrant tale of displacement, loss, wrenching readjustment and self-discovery, this book also offers a gripping account of how participation in the great conversation over justice, ethics, citizenship and the nature of the good life can subvert hierarchies of privilege, redeem lost souls, open minds and transform lives.”—Steve Mintz, Inside Higher Ed
“The strength of Montás’ argument lies in his acknowledgement of the power and responsibility of undergraduate education.”—Grace Phan Jones, American Purpose
“Rescuing Socrates, Roosevelt Montás’s memoir-cum-paean to the classics, is a timely and much-needed book. . . . If administrators and education advocates take the message of Rescuing Socrates to heart, then our students, our schools, and our nation might yet see a brighter future.”—Matthew Levey, City Journal
“Montás convincingly makes the argument that the classics enrich any life pursuit. By doing so, his story should appeal to anyone who cares about education. There is something here to illuminate and inspire.”—Nathaniel Grossman, Fordham Institute
“[An] important book.”—Matthew Bianco, Circe Institute
“This is an important, and timely, book about why the western canon still matters and about how great books can change lives, especially impoverished black and brown ones”—Lindsay Johns, Times Literary Supplement.
“Rescuing Socrates turns out to be a magnificent exercise in rescuing us.”—Douglas V. Henry, Law & Liberty
“Here is the very model of intellectual dialogue: Freud speaking to Montás and Montás considering thoughtfully and speaking back―a demonstration of the fact that the value of liberal arts education is to be found in the experience itself rather than in bean-counter terms such as ‘learning outcomes’ or starting salaries.”—Matthew Stewart, James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal
“Montás’ defense of the great books is both disarming and brave.”—Benjamin Storey and Jenna Storey, American Purpose
“Montás’s inspiring defense of the humanities is as galvanizing as his own story. . . . Even if one is not fond of a liberal arts and humanistic education, he may still want to read Roosevelt Montás for the sheer humanity of his book.”—Paul Krause, Merion West
“Eminently quotable and engagingly written, Rescuing Socrates is a rich resource for those who care about liberal education.”—Eric Adler, Front Porch Republic
“Rescuing Socrates is the best defence of a liberal education I have read. . . . Montás writes so movingly, and with such erudition, that he himself is the best advertisement for the liberal education he champions.”—Daniel James Sharp, Areo Magazine
“A robust and unapologetic argument that liberal education, centered around the great books, should be the foundation of every university education. . . . Rescuing Socrates makes a strong case for liberal education at a time when it needs ardent defenders.”—Nathaniel Peters, Law & Liberty
“An impassioned argument for the essential value of the humanities in education.”—David Luhrssen, Shepherd Express
“Montás returns the humanities to its revolutionary home, reminding us that we are, after all, talking about such radical and subversive thinkers as Augustine, Plato, Freud, and Gandhi. He teaches us, presumably like he teaches his Core Curriculum students, what those thinkers were after―and what reading them makes possible.”—Jonathan Tran, Christian Century
“Whereas many today see an irreversible crisis in higher education, Montás sees fertile ground for renewal.”—Luis Parrales, Public Discourse
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