It Starts with the Egg PDF Free Download

Features of It Starts with the Egg PDF

A practical and evidence-backed approach for improving egg quality and fertility.It Starts with the Egg PDF

The latest scientific research reveals that egg quality has a powerful impact on how long it takes to get pregnant and the risk of miscarriage. Poor egg quality is in fact the single most common cause of age-related infertility, recurrent miscarriage, and failed IVF cycles.

Based on a vast array of scientific research, It Starts with the Egg provides a comprehensive program for improving egg quality in three months, with specific advice tailored to a variety of fertility challenges— including endometriosis, unexplained infertility, diminished ovarian reserve, PCOS, and recurrent miscarriage.

With concrete strategies such as minimizing exposure to common environmental toxins, choosing the right vitamins and supplements to safeguard developing eggs, and harnessing nutritional advice shown to boost IVF success rates, this book offers practical solutions that will help you get pregnant faster and deliver a healthy baby.

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Description of It Starts with the Egg PDF

The most featured and reviewed on book It Starts with the Egg PDF is available for grabs now here on our website for free. It has been boasted and proven with thousands of user reviews that it has all the information to make you one of the highly qualified professionals in the world of medicine and its branches. Without a doubt a masterpiece for those who aspire to be doctors or heal those they find in ailment. It is a must read again and again for everyone that can get their hands on this limited edition book.

The Authors

It Starts with the Egg PDF

Rebecca Fett has a degree in molecular biotechnology and biochemistry from the University of Sydney, Australia. Before becoming an author, Rebecca spent eight years as a biotechnology patent litigation attorney in New York, where she specialized in analyzing scientific and clinical evidence and translating complex science into plain English. Rebecca is passionate about sharing the latest studies with those that can benefit.

Dimensions and Characteristics of It Starts with the Egg PDF

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Franklin Fox Publishing; 2nd ed. edition (February 23, 2019)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 326 pages
  • International Standard Book Number-10 ‏ : ‎ 0999676180
  • International Standard Book Number-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0999676189
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 14.6 ounces
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 5.5 x 0.82 x 8.5 inches

Top reviews

 Pregnant Naturally at Age 43 After First Try

November 17, 2020

I followed almost all of the advice of this book for six months (we delayed trying due to Covid19) and I got pregnant at age 43 naturally on our first try. I am now 19 weeks and everything looks good. I opted to have a CVS due to my advanced maternal age and it came back normal and I had the anatomy scan today and it was also normal. My internist recommended this book to me and I am so grateful. I was already doing a number of things recommended in it, but immediately implemented the things that I wasn’t doing. I followed — and so did my husband — all of the supplement recommendations the whole time. While I’ve bought hundreds of books on this is the first one that I felt compelled to write a review for in case it would be helpful to anyone debating whether to buy it. If helpful, we also saw a reproductive endocrinologist to do a full fertility work-up and genetic testing and I also regularly get acupuncture. I didn’t get accupuncture for 6 months due to Covid, but I did do fertility related accupuncture one time before trying to conceive. It is hard to say what worked the best or what was most important, but supposedly at my age I only have a 5% chance of conceiving every month and then a 60% chance of miscarriage if I do conceive. To get pregnant naturally on the first try at age 43 and to have a healthy baby that’s growing and developing normally feels like a miracle! The advice in this book is spot on and was definitely an important reason it happened.

Update: Healthy baby girl born full term at 40 weeks and 2 days!

Sherrie Tullsen
 Worth its weight in gold

June 5, 2016

After two miscarriages, 4 failed fertility treatment cycles and being told by three separate fertility specialists that my husband and I had less than 5% chance of conceiving and carrying to term, we decided it was time to take a more proactive and informed approach to our infertility. Our search for solid information lead in many directions, including to this book. We bought it, devoured it, put as many of its suggestions into practice in our lives as we possibly could, and gave the program 4 months to work its magic while taking a break from fertility treatment. From it we learned that though women with high FSH like myself are often told its because we have “diminished ovarian reserve” and “poor egg quality”, the science of egg development and quality is a lot more complicated and there are ways you can intervene to encourage the eggs you do have remaining to be the best they can be. I’m science minded enough to know that I can’t draw any firm conclusions about whether the ideas in this book made the difference for us or we just got lucky, but after those four months we started trying to conceive again, did so right away, and I gave birth to our beautiful, healthy, miracle baby girl just a few days ago. My advice is, don’t let doctors dictate what is or isn’t possible based on their own repertoire of (limited) treatment options they make available to their patients. If you’ve struggled with infertility, and you’re determined to not go down without a fight like me after the doctors have told you you’re a lost cause and to start considering egg donors or adoption, this book simply MUST be one of the items in your arsenal of alternative approaches.
 This book helped me get past miscarriages and conceive at age 40

July 25, 2017

This book is everything! I would highly recommend reading this as a first step to anyone having trouble conceiving or having recurrent miscarriages. I had recurrent miscarriages and terrible fertility scores- an fsh of 14 and an AMH <1. My fertility doctors gave me about a 4-8% chance of an IUI helping me conceive. But i wanted to try it. So i did everything possible to improve my odds. I did acupuncture along with taking ubiquinol, melatonin, and DHEA as suggested in the book. 14 weeks after i added in the DHEA i got pregnant during my second IUI. I believe everything I did made all the difference. I do want to mention that i wish the author hadn’t downplayed the importance of cutting out caffeine. Even a small amount of caffeine per day leading up to pregnancy may increase miscarriage risk- they don’t have enough evidence disproving that. For me I think cutting it out completely was a vital (though difficult) step. I cut down on sugar but i didn’t completely eliminate it like i did the caffeine and alcohol. Regardless- this book is so needed in a world where doctors often don’t provide us with important information to improve our health. It makes sense that optimizing the body’s health will help with fertility too. Read this book and do acupuncture regularly for at least 3 months before you try to conceive. I did acupuncture 2-3 times a week during the cycle that got my pregnant. My doctor was suprised i could get 3 follicles at my age and with my fertility numbers. But it’s totally absolutely possible – you just need to give your body a chance to respond to the changes you make! This book is a must have whether you try naturally or with assistance.
Reference: Wikipedia

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