Imaging For Students PDF 2nd edition Free Download – MRI, CT, US etc

imaging for students


Although medical students are not often formally examined in medical imaging, they need to develop the skill of interpreting images and scans used in clinical work. This book opens with a description of radiological modalities (including ultrasound, CT, MRI and nuclear imaging), giving a brief summary of their physical basis and highlighting their advantages, disadvantages and limitations. The bulk of the book is made up of chapters describing the use of radiology in common clinical situations, system by system. All images and diagrams have been carefully selected to highlight key teaching issues. “Imaging for Students, 2nd Edition”, is written in a didactic and user-friendly style with large, high-quality images and explanatory captions. It provides a comprehensive introduction to all aspects of diagnostic and interventional imaging. This new expanded edition – while covering all new developments in radiology and their applications in clinical medicine – concentrates on the basics that all medical students should know.

Description and Reviews of Imaging for Students

I have found it hard to find books about diagnostic imaging as most of them are aimed at doctors rather than radiographers. This book is different- it reads very well and clearly, discussing the different methods of imaging various pathologies. It also goes some way to explain the physics behind MRI, CT and RNI.

This is an excellent monograph packed with information. The text is brief, written in clear and simple language, and many of the points are clearly bulleted. I have no hesitation in fully recommending this monograph. — RAD magazine Recommended not only for medical students but also for physicians, for whom it can help in the communication with radiology departments.

Table of Contents

Imaging for Students Pdf ebook includes the following sections

  1. Conventional Radiography
  2. Ultrasound
  3. Computed Tomography (CT)
  4. Scintigraphy
  5. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
  6. Hazards and Precautions in medical imaging
  7. Respiratory System
  8. Cardiovascular System
  9. Gastrointestinal System
  10. Liver, Gallbladder, and Pancreas
  11. Urinary Tract
  12. Female Reproductive System
  13. Central Nervous System
  14. Neck
  15. Pediatrics
  16. Musculoskeletal System
  17. Index

Imaging for students

File Size: 29 MBs

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