Features of the Book
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Now in full color, NMS Surgery, 6th Edition, has been significantly updated to reflect the current practice of surgery. Even more readable and user-friendly than before, the practical outline format makes study more efficient and offers a thorough review for students, residents, and practitioners. In addition, this title is packaged with access to the interactive eBook version at no additional cost!
Concise coverage, an online interactive student quiz bank, new text features, and USMLE-format questions enable students to successfully complete their clerkship, prepare for the shelf/end-of-rotation exam, and study for the boards. A fresh new format features “Chapter Cuts and Caveats” that call attention to important principles, and “Quick Cuts” that highlight key information in every chapter. With updates, revisions, and full-color illustrations throughout, NMS Surgery, 6th Edition, is an ideal guide for effective study and review, while retaining the elements that have made it a dependable, go-to resource for a generation of medical students.
- New, full-color design, with updated illustrations throughout.
- New text feature: “Chapter Cuts and Caveats” calls out each chapter’s most important principles.
- New text feature: “Quick Cuts” highlights key information in a highly visual format.
- Study questions facilitate self-assessment and improve retention.
- Interactive eBook provided with the text includes student quiz bank for self-assessment.
- The perfect study tool for surgical shelf or end-of-rotation exams, and board certification and recertification
Description of the Book
Thorough review of surgery in outline format conducive to rapid study and retention. Coverage of essential clerkship material includes common disease categories, information on classification and pathophysiology of disease, presenting signs and symptoms and laboratory and diagnostic studies.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Thoracic disorders
- Vascular disorders
- Gastrointestinal disorders
- Special Subjects
- Surgical Sub specialities
File Size: 49.41 MBs
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