Have you ever had any difficulty understanding that topic when you were in class? or the hospital? or in your office that was related to the subject of medicine and health. Well Neurotrauma and Critical Care of the Brain PDF answers all those questions for you. You must give it a thorough read to understand what you probably are dealing with is related to human lives and allthingsmedicine is here to help you in that task. In this blog post we will share the download file for the book in pdf format. Cheers!
Attributes of Neurotrauma and Critical Care of the Brain PDF
A comprehensive guide to understanding and managing brain injury. Neurotrauma and Critical Care of the Brain PDF
In Neurotrauma and Critical Care of the Brain, leading clinicians present widely accepted guidelines and evidence-based practices for the management of patients with traumatic brain injury. Divided into five main sections, the book guides the clinician through the science, management, critical care, outcomes, and important socioeconomic issues relevant to patient care.
Special Features:
Offers the valuable team approach and recommendations of renowned surgeons, clinicians, rehabilitation specialists, and researchers
Includes guidelines for injuries ranging from mild to moderate, severe, and penetrating, and for treating brain injury in children
Covers the related intensive care issues of neurologic, pulmonary, cardiovascular, and infection management and nutrition and fluid control
Reviews fundamental science concepts, including pathophysiology, monitoring and imaging, biomarkers and classification systems for brain injury
Provides hundreds of concise summary tables and illustrations to help digest complex information
Discusses ethics and important end-of-life issues
With an integrated management approach to injury and rehabilitation that goes well beyond initial surgery, Neurotrauma and Critical Care of the Brain will enable neurosurgeons, neurologists, physicians in trauma, critical care, and rehabilitation medicine, and residents in these specialties to optimize patient care and outcomes. It is also useful as a guide for board exam preparation.
The companion volume to this book is Neurotrauma and Critical Care of the Spine.
Some of the foremost leaders and thinkers in this field have contributed to the remarkable Neurotrauma and Critical Care of the Brain…The book really is a complete primer on the care of the head injured patient…it should be required reading for all residents in neurosurgery…It should be available in all medical school and academic department of neurosurgery libraries…A few hours leafing through and reading the tabular summaries…will benefit almost anyone with an interest in the subject.–Journal of the American Medical Association
“[Four stars] The contributors as well as editors are well known experts in their fields…useful flow diagrams demonstrate both clinical scenarios…and basic science concepts…a comprehensive resource and reference…a valuable addition”–Doody’s Review
“Jallo and Loftus bring together chapters by neurosurgeons, neurologists, and other clinicians from the US, UK, and Australia, who present guidelines and evidence-based practices for the management of patients with traumatic brain injury. They cover the underlying science, including pathophysiology, biomarkers, monitoring, and imaging; management; critical care, nutrition, and infection; outcomes; and socioeconomic issues like ethics, medicolegal issues, and cost related to care.”–SciTech Book News
“Particularly well detailed…richly illustrated…really useful for neurosurgeons and radiologists…really instructive…this book merits a special place in the reference arsenal of neurosurgeons and orthopedic surgeons.”–European Neurology
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For students and clinical professionals who are learning to better themselves in the field of their study. This book is the latest in its release and is a trademark of . The book offers the valuable team approach and recommendations of renowned surgeons, clinicians, rehabilitation specialists and researchers.
The Writers
Christopher M. Loftus, MD, FACS
Clinical Professor (Adjunct), Neurosurgery, Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University
Proportions of Neurotrauma and Critical Care of the Brain PDF
Publisher : Thieme; 1st edition (May 28, 2009)
Language : English
Hardcover : 496 pages
ISBN-10 : 1604060328
ISBN-13 : 978-1604060324
Item Weight : 4.02 pounds
Dimensions : 8.75 x 1.25 x 11.25 inches
Best Sellers Rank: #6,119,299 in Books
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