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Features of Love More Fight Less PDF
Love More Fight Less PDF-Learn to communicate effectively, meaningfully, and lovingly with your partner–even in tense situations.
Conflict is part of every relationship, even the healthiest ones. The key to a long-lasting relationship isn’t avoiding fights, but rather seeing them as opportunities to work together. In her book, Gottman-certified relationship coach Dr. Gina Senarighi gives us the tools and strategies we need to communicate effectively, rebuild trust, and repair past hurts.
Love More, Fight Less features:
• 30 COMMUNICATION SKILLS AND ACTIVITIES for building self-awareness, identifying and interrupting emotional reactivity, eliminating judgment, separating thoughts from feelings, and more
• 29 COMMON PITFALLS IN RELATIONSHIPS around issues of intimacy, career, finances, family and home matters, and friendships with other people–and how to navigate them
• STEP-BY-STEP GUIDANCE AND EXPERT INSIGHT to help you transform your relationship’s conflict patterns by integrating effective communication skills
This relationship workbook is for couples who want to learn new skills and build a solid foundation for working through conflicts and moving forward in ways that strengthen their bonds.
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Description of Love More Fight Less PDF
Love More Fight Less PDF Any lawyer who aspires to be the best in the world must resort to this book as it is a treasure for those who read it and excell at their studies and in their professional lives in a speed and manner that no other of their field can accomplish. It is a must read atleast once for all advocates and lawyers.
The Authors
Dr. Gina Senarighi, Ph.D., CPC is a certified relationship coach, retreat leader, speaker, and author specializing in human connection, intimacy, authenticity, shame-resilience, and alternative relationships.
She’s been leading teams and couples to clarity and connection for over 20 years. In that time she’s developed a solid framework based in neuroscience, nonviolent communication, and positive psychology research that has transformed diverse relationships across the country.
Gina was named Portland’s Best Life Coach in 2019 and has taught psychology courses, communication workshops, couples intimacy retreats, and guest lectured on alternative relationships and sex-positive therapy at universities across the US. Her podcast, Swoon has helped over 10,000 listeners build more compassionate intimate connections.
Gina offers practical, proven skills to transform relationships in deeply meaningful ways. She understands first-hand the struggles creative and entrepreneurial couples face as they navigate the abundant joys and challenges that come with a high-achieving lifestyle. Her clients span the globe as they set forth to make the world a better place for us all.
As a retreat coach, her background in psychology, mediation and communication training has enabled her to offer uniquely powerful tools to help clients overcome stuck patterns. Her uniquely non-judgmental, inclusive approach to couples work puts even the most concerned participants at ease. She is not your average sit-and-nod supporter- she’ll call you out, and always help you grow.
When she’s not teaching, coaching or consulting you can find her in her gorgeous urban garden, hiking Door County with her tiny dog, cooking lavish dinners, playing with her two sweet kids, or traveling the world with her partner, Rae.
Dimensions and Characteristics of Love More Fight Less PDF
- Publisher : Zeitgeist; Workbook edition (July 28, 2020)
- Language : English
- Paperback : 256 pages
- International Standard Book Number-10 : 0593196651
- International Standard Book Number-13 : 978-0593196656
- Item Weight : 0.035 ounces
- Dimensions : 7 x 0.69 x 8.99 inches
- Book Name: Love More Fight Less PDF
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Top reviews
Snyder has a peculiarly insightful analysis of events. It can be both revealing and confusing at the same time. His prose ranges from clear and concise to intertwined and difficult. I had to double back often to track some thoughts (something I almost never have to do). The short ending epilogue is particularly obtuse.
All that said, the man has done his homework remarkably well (with help from his grad students). His accumulation of specific facts and his tying them together make the book a compelling read and a punch to the gut. You get insights not found elsewhere. Just three examples…1. The influence of the political philosopher Ivan Ilyn on Putin and contemporary Russia, 2. The truth behind the war in Ukraine especially it’s cyber and propaganda elements, 3. The links between Russian oligarchical and criminal money and Donald Trump’s business ventures. Snyder makes a strong case that Trump is at best a Russian patsy if not much worse. Trump lovers will gag on the facts he lays out.
If you want to get more on Trump and where America is headed, I recommend reading “Trumpocracy” and “Killing Democracy.” You may also like Snyder’s very short book “On Tyranny.” If you get caught up in his idea of the “politics of eternity,” you might find “The Fourth Turning” worth reading. It’s a bit bizarre, but it espouses a cyclical form of history that complements Snyder’s description. This last book has been deemed “Steve Bannon’s Bible” by some. All thee books are on .
(Spoiler alert – stop here unless you want to find out more about the content.) There are some inescapable conclusions from the book. Russian media is managed to present the story the government wants presented and bears absolutely no connection to the truth. It is the ultimate in “fake news.” This is so blatant that Americans really cannot imagine the breadth and depth of its lies. Russia is actively workjng to destabilize America and Europe in order to bring them down to the economic and undemocratic level of Russia. Since Russia cannot improve due to its kleptocracy and oligarchy, it’s only option is to ruin the West. The Russians have financed Trump to cover his failed businesses and massive debts putting him in their pocket. The ties between the government and the oligarchs enable Putin to use them as intermediaries so that support is not directly tied to the government. Hence, “no collusion.” Russia back Trump because they realized how destructive his personality and illogical actions would be to U.S. government. Snyder lays out the fact that all of Russia’s efforts were for Trump and against Clinton to make that point. America is in an information war for the truth in order to save it’s democracy. Fox News and the far left are not helping as both get baited and ensnared by Russia misinformation.”
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