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Attributes of Woke Racism by John McWhorter PDF
Americans of good will on both the left and the right are secretly asking themselves the same question: how has the conversation on race in America gone so crazy? We’re told to read books and listen to music by people of color but that wearing certain clothes is “appropriation.” We hear that being white automatically gives you privilege and that being Black makes you a victim. We want to speak up but fear we’ll be seen as unwoke, or worse, labeled a racist. According to John McWhorter, the problem is that a well-meaning but pernicious form of antiracism has become, not a progressive ideology, but a religion—and one that’s illogical, unreachable, and unintentionally neoracist. Woke Racism by John McWhorter PDF
In Woke Racism, McWhorter reveals the workings of this new religion, from the original sin of “white privilege” and the weaponization of cancel culture to ban heretics, to the evangelical fervor of the “woke mob.” He shows how this religion that claims to “dismantle racist structures” is actually harming his fellow Black Americans by infantilizing Black people, setting Black students up for failure, and passing policies that disproportionately damage Black communities. The new religion might be called “antiracism,” but it features a racial essentialism that’s barely distinguishable from racist arguments of the past.
Fortunately for Black America, and for all of us, it’s not too late to push back against woke racism. McWhorter shares scripts and encouragement with those trying to deprogram friends and family. And most importantly, he offers a roadmap to justice that actually will help, not hurt, Black America.
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Illustrations of Woke Racism by John McWhorter PDF
This book Woke Racism by John McWhorter PDF is one of the most trusted and renowned book for the subject of politics and social sciences by some of the leading teachers and professors around the world as it has the qualities to enhance the thinking and knowledge of how the world works around politics and socialism. It is a must read for anyone who aspires to teach themselves and all others around them about how this world of today and in the past worked and how they can create an impact on the future.
The Writers
John H. McWhorter teaches linguistics, American studies, and music history at Columbia University. He is a contributing editor at The Atlantic and host of the language podcast Lexicon Valley. His writing has been published in The New York Times, The New Yorker, The Wall Street Journal, Time, Daily Beast, New Republic, The Root, and many other venues.McWhorter is the author of over twenty books, including Nine Nasty Words: English in the Gutter—Then, Now and Forever, The Power of Babel, Losing the Race,and Our Magnificent Bastard Tongue.
Proportions of Woke Racism by John McWhorter PDF
- Publisher : Portfolio (October 26, 2021)
- Language : English
- Hardcover : 224 pages
- International Standard Book Number-10 : 0593423062
- International Standard Book Number-13 : 978-0593423066
- Item Weight : 14.4 ounces
- Dimensions : 6.25 x 0.79 x 9.29 inches
Reviews From Customers
“This is a passionate, often fiery book, but it is also seriously considered and scrupulously reasoned. Whether or not readers are persuaded by McWhorter’s analysis, they must, in the name of intellectual honesty, consider the book mandatory reading.”—Kirkus Reviews, starred review
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