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Attributes of Practice Parameter for Ultrasound Examination of the Neonatal Head, Spine, and Hip Free Download
Practice Parameter for Ultrasound Examination of the Neonatal Head, Spine, and Hip Free Download. After watching this video, the viewer should be able to describe the normal sonographic appearance of the neonatal brain, spine, and hip.
This tutorial demonstrates the techniques for performing neonatal ultrasound examinations as recommended by the following practice parameters:
- AIUM Practice Parameter for the Performance of Neurosonography in Neonates and Infants.
- AIUM Practice Parameter for the Performance of Ultrasound Examination of the Neonatal and Infant Spine
- AIUM Practice Parameter for the Performance of Ultrasound Examination for Detection and Assessment of Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip
1. Introduction
2. AIUM Practice Parameter for Ultrasound Examination of the Neonatal Head, Spine, and Hip
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A. Indications
The indications for sonography of the neonatal spinal canal and its contents include but are
not limited to1-10:
1. Lumbosacral stigmata known to be associated with spinal dysraphism and tethered
spinal cord, including:
a. Midline or paramedian masses;
b. Midline skin discolorations;
c. Skin tags;
d. Hair tufts;
e. Hemangiomas;
f. Small midline dimples; and
g. Paramedian deep dimples;
2. The spectrum of caudal regression syndrome, including patients with sacral agenesis,
anal atresia or stenosis;
3. Evaluation of suspected cord abnormalities such as cord tethering, diastematomyelia,
hydromyelia, and syringomyelia;
4. Detection of sequelae, such as:
a. Hematoma following injury, such as birth injury;
b. Infection or hemorrhage secondary to prior instrumentation, such as lumbar
puncture; and
c. Posttraumatic leakage of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF);
5. Visualization of blood products within the spinal canal in patients with intracranial hemorrhage;
6. Guidance for lumbar puncture11; and
7. Postoperative assessment for cord retethering.12
Dimples associated with a high risk of occult spinal dysraphism include those in which the base
of the dimple is not seen, are located >2.5 cm above the anus, or are seen in combination with
other cutaneous stigmata3
. The examination has a low diagnostic yield in infants with simple,
low-lying coccygeal dimples; such patients typically have normal spinal contents 3,7,13.
B. Contraindications
1. Preoperative examination of an open spinal dysraphic defect. However, in such cases the
closed portion of the spinal canal away from the open defect can be examined for other
suspected abnormalities, such as syrinx or diastematomyelia. These latter abnormalities
should be identified preoperatively.
2. Examination of the contents of a closed neural tube defect if the skin overlying the
defect is thin or no longer intact
Reference: Wikipedia Ultrasonogrphy
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