Complex PTSD PDF Download Book

Complex PTSD PDF

Features of Complex PTSD PDF

Complex PTSD PDF-The causes of Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder range from severe neglect to monstrous abuse. Many survivors grew up in houses that were not homes – in families that were as loveless as orphanages and sometimes as dangerous. If you felt unwanted, unliked, rejected, hated, and/or despised for a lengthy portion of your childhood, trauma may be deeply engrained in your mind, soul, and body.

This book is a practical guide to recovering from lingering childhood trauma. It is copiously illustrated with examples of the author’s and his clients’ journeys of recovering. It is a comprehensive self-help guide for working through the toxic legacy of the past and for achieving a rich and fulfilling life.

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Description of Complex PTSD PDF

Complex PTSD PDF is one of the best medical books for students and professionals on the subject of Psychology . It is a must download.

The Authors

Complex PTSD PDF

Pete Walker is a licensed psychotherapist, MFC 25210, with degrees in Social Work and Counseling Psychology. He is a “general practitioner” who has a private practice in Berkeley, California, in the serene Claremont Hotel neighborhood. He has been working as a counselor, lecturer, writer and group leader for thirty-five years, and as a supervisor and consultant of other therapists for 20 years.

Pete specializes in helping adults who were traumatized in childhood, especially those whose repeated exposure to abuse and/or neglect left them with the symptoms of Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder [Cptsd].

Dimensions and Characteristics of Complex PTSD PDF

  • Listening Length 10 hours and 28 minutes
    Author Pete Walker
    Narrator Paul Brion
    Whispersync for Voice Ready Release Date December 28, 2018
    Publisher Tantor Audio
    Program Type Audiobook
    Version Unabridged
    Language English
    Identification Number B07MK5F3KQ
  • Book Name : Complex PTSD PDF

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Top reviews

Chloe Chandless “6 months after reading this book, and I can honestly say it has changed my life beyond anything I could ever have imagined! I have now read all Pete’s books and I recommend you do too.

In 6 months I have gone from a deeply depressed, always ill, overweight junk foor delivery junkie, narcoleptic with chronic pain, psoriasis, chronic money problems, an inability to clean up after myself, a life full of drama and always in and out of codependent relationships with narcissists to:

-finally saving up money
-a spotless home AND thriving garden
-psoriasis gone
-only healthy mutually supportive relationships in my life
-no more chronic pain
-cooking myself all my meals from scratch and not attracted to carbs at all. All healthy
-narcolepsy gone
-a little nest egg of savings starting
-huuuuge amount of self love, to the point I can feel myself glow
-living every day in joy and gratitude.

Thanks to Pete Walker, 2020 was the best year of my life. May 2021 be the best year of yours with his help.

Trust me, it’s ALL trauma. None of your problems are genetic or because the world is a horrible place. It’s ALL trauma.

Pete Walker deserves a bloody Nobel prize btw”

Free2Bme “I found this book BOTH Extremely AND I have a deep concern about one particular (and significant) tenet of it.

I have C-PTSD and I am working hard to claim my life from the fallout. (I would say “reclaim”, but that implies there is something to go back to.) This book poignantly describes my life – in a delightful folksy, sometimes funny way. From that perspective it was validating and comforting to know that I am not unique in this experience.

Absoutely the most helpful concept was “Emotional Flashbacks”. To name my sometimes debilitating emotional reactions in this way and to say that they are Proof Positive I was abused early in my childhood (before memory became explicit), helped me calm down about (1) the fact of them and (2) the implications of them. Narcissists often emphatically deny their bad behavior – which is confusing, at best.

I do, however, have deep concerns about the author’s conviction that the resulting Inner Critic must be bullied into submission. The techniques suggested are classic Cognitive Behavioral tools. I have been working with a talented Internal Family Systems (“IFS”) trained therapist for almost five years now. From my own direct experience and given my understanding of that psychotherapeutic model, I think this is a hurtful and potentially dangerous way to treat an aspect of my own psyche.

Inner Critic(s) are Protective parts of me, that voluntary arose in response to some overwhelming life “event”. They arose to protect the vulnerable Wounded Inner Child, to maintain the functionality of the psychic system under dire circumstance. In my experience, when I have witnessed a Protector’s story and they have relaxed their defensive posturing (since it is no longer necessary in present-time), I find out they are ALSO a “child”, trying to tough it out in a harsh environment. They did the best they could at the time. Their strategy worked back then – I’m still alive. Unfortunately it is harming me now. They are stuck in trauma time and I can help them with that.

Bottom line – I refuse to do to my own Inner Child(ren) what my parents did to me! There is a better way.”


Jocelyn “Can’t recommend this one enough. It’s taken me about a month to work through for two reasons.

1) I wanted to really absorb all the information so I forced myself to only read in short bursts. This was sometimes not hard to do because my mind would constantly explode as I read and I’d need to collect myself.

2) At about 50 pages in I started over so I could write notes as I went and I continued to copy down important bits of information up until almost the last page.

For me this has been an invaluable resource in fully understanding Complex PTSD and in reaching a better understanding of myself, my childhood, and the ways in which I can continue to grow from here. If you have a history of childhood abuse and/or neglect, feel inherently “defective” or “wrong”, have toxic or absent parents, or are a therapist looking to learn more about C-PTSD this is an exhaustive, validating, enlightening, resource.

Have a notebook, pens, sticky notes, highlighters —and possibly tissues — ready.”



Reference: Wikipedia

Complex PTSD PDF

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